The Wickwillow


I have closed out my deck creation thread for the Wickwillow, and wanted to start showing it in the context that it meant for me...

...reason being is that the creation of this deck coincided with the re-creation of ME in quite a literal sense; and so I thought it might be nice to share the story of the road I walked in bringing it to light; because, after all, isn't Tarot about personal transformation?

Much of the story is personal and while I might not find a way to express it here in such a public way, I think it might be good to do so.

I've been working with Tarot for pretty near 30 years now; though my contact with the cards goes back further than that, even, to probably about 1970 when my parents brought home a deck of Tarot cards...I don't know why or what they were thinking; they were not interested in it, but I picked it up and started to have a look at them pretty often. It was a B&W deck, called "The 20th Century Tarot". At one time I was able to find images of it online...recently I've not been able to do so.

My father was a poet, and when I was 15 he turned me on to "The Wasteland" with it's famous quasi-tarot card reading scene.

"Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante,
Had a bad cold, nevertheless
Is known to be the wisest woman in Europe,
With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she,
Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor,
(Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!)
Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks,
The lady of situations.
Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel,
And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this card,
Which is blank, is something he carries on his back,
Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find
The Hanged Man. Fear death by water.
I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring.
Thank you. If you see dear Mrs. Equitone,
Tell her I bring the horoscope myself:
One must be so careful these days."

The Wasteland --unfortunately, perhaps-- became a major influence in my adolescent life.

Also, when I was 15, I had a vision of the holy grail, coming down thru the ceiling of my middle-school music room.

That grail would be where the story of the Wickwillow tarot began. So I give you here the Ace of Cups from the Wickwillow Tarot.


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It would be nice to have this in the deck study forum for others that will be working with the deck to reference and add to. Sulis can get you set up...

Congratulations on finishing it, well done.


Thanks AJ.

It's not really my intention to do a "deck study"...just sharing the amazing journey that creating a deck is, and how that process can transform...this is a general discussion thread, not only for those who might buy my deck and want to study it more in-depth.

It's for those who may have had their own transformation thru Tarot, and those comments additions as well. It's also for those with questions about the Gamecrafters, or about the imagery and symbolism I chose. For those reasons I believed it belonged here under general discussions around this deck.

Besides, it's much too early for anyone to HAVE this deck in order to study it, LOL. In the deck studies forums, we break the posts down to an individual thread about each card...this is not that; not my any means. Perhaps people will want to do that, later on, that's fine.


Silly me; I forgot the link to the Gamecrafters where you can actually see/purchase the cards! So I've added it above in post #1.

So this is not supposed to be me soliloquizing (??) here, I'm hoping for feedback, questions comments, parallels. My big desire is to prompt others to create their own tarot out of their own insights ("yeah right, I'm not an artist...") Well neither am I...just a fool for Tarot. My skills came as I prepared to do this deck.

On 4/1/11 I arrived back home in Colorado after escaping an abusive relationship and a devastating marriage/divorce scenario. I had job, no car, no phone, no money, no clothes except what I had on my back. And I had a determination to make me into ME for a change, not what someone else wanted me to be...and part of that was going to be making a new Tarot. This is the result of that remaking process. Note the date: April Fool's. That was not lost on me. It was time to do Tarot again, it had been too long. When I put it away to make someone else happy, I denied myself. For 10 years I put it away, to make others happy.

See, in love I'm a fool. You know anyone else like that? Yeah, kiinda thought you might. And I've learned from my cards just recently that I equate love with being a fool...throwing caution to the four winds, being impulive, wild, free, devil-may-care....I'm a fool for you baby...and that's what FEELS LIKE LOVE to me. I don't know how to be rational and in love. Doesn't compute. Playful, childlike, that's just fun.

Yeah, well I made a lot of bad decisions, and irrational ones, and I've paid and paid.

The fool arrives in town, lord knows how many times he's fallen, a vagabond, chased, hated, ostracized...this was me. Is me...I am a fool. I am learning that i have to forgive the fool in me...he's gotten me into a lot of trouble...but he's what makes me love improvising...(I'm a musician) and I love making it up as I go along.

You know all those sayings where we are supposed to "take chances" in love? Be daring and take a leap, cause we'll never know what we missed, etc etc....

Yeah. Done that, Again, and again and again and again. And failed. There's something about the fool that's "fallen". In fact, he's often depicted as "about to fall" into incarnation. This is why, in the Quick Start Guide to my deck I call him "Before the Beginning". The magician is the beginning. Fool is BEFORE the beginning.

Did you know that a common middle ages representation of the Fool was Mr. Punch, Punchinello of Puppet-Show fame? And because of his intolerable foolishness, he was swallowed every show by an Alligator? In lots of old Tarots, the Fool is about to encounter a crocodile. I lampoon that here. But I was a puppeteer that did Punch and Judy at many a fair and street festival in my very young I recognized the fool instantly, and the source of the Alligator imagery.

I figure he's driven into the mouth of disaster by the very thing that he's trying to avoid...Maybe the domestic dog represents domestication, and the Fool doesn't want to be domesticated, so he's trying to push away and escape, but really domestication is trying to save him from himself.

Anyway, like I say, this is not meant to be a monologue, or a diatribe; I note lots of folks reading, but not responding!

Ever think of making a deck? This was my second. It's awesome to have it and read with it now, I feel so connected to it.

Check it out. Consider was created with grit and growth. Out of a lot of fertilizer and muck.

Next time I'll let you into the loop on the name.


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Wickwillow now has a page of it's own right here at Aeclectic!

My deck discussion thread isn't of much interest yet as no-one has recieved their decks yet..."print on demand" takes a few days longer than "print hundreds in advance"...that's just the way it is right now. Looking forward to hearing some opinions/questions comments when they get there!

Thanks for all the love



Wow, here it is two years and two weeks since that last post you made on this thread. I enjoyed every bit of what you said. I just got my Wickwillow today and I love it. I can't wait to do readings for people with it. I haven't downloaded and looked at the E-book yet but I'll do that in a day or two, once I settle in with it on my own.

Just tangibly speaking, I love the size of the deck and the stock. I also love that the backs are just a plain color and that's it. I love the bright illustrations, too. And even though there aren't card names or numbers on the cards, it didn't take me very long to figure out exactly which card I was looking and and which way is up with the cards. I haven't ever like to read with reversals but with this deck I might just do that for a change. And I also plan to learn what those astrological symbols are.

Thank you for a beautiful deck, Mallah! And I'm so glad you're doing so well. :)


Wow an old thread resurrected! Glad you like your deck! The deck is gradually catching on, and is currently going thru some revisions; every year there are some new tweaks, and that makes the previous year's decks collectable.

Enjoy it griz! Thanks for the plaudit.