The Wild Unknown Tarot - The Moon XVIII


This is such a simple yet such a powerful image - Kim Krans seems to have a bit of a knack for that ;).

The sky is black and right in the centre is a waning crescent moon. In the foreground 2 tall trees are silhouetted above the forest canopy. The border of the card is a narrow strip of rainbow colours.

The trees look like a negative from an old film and that makes me think that nothing looks quite right in the moonlight. It's easy to misinterpret things in this type of light, easy to let your fears and imagination run away with you. It's the sort of environment where you think you've seen something but you're not quite sure what...
That can be scary and it can be liberating, depending on the question and your mood.

It's a beautiful image so that makes me think of the romantic aspect of The Moon too and the fact that the moon in the sky is waning reminds me that the moon has phases and that could also be one of the interpretations of the card too... That whatever you're asking about could be a phase that will pass and maybe return as the moon does.

So, dare you step into the dark forest at night? It's scary but it's magical too.

The number 18 relates to The Hermit card; 1 + 8 = 9... A card about looking within, listening to your inner voice, not being afraid to be alone, knowing yourself, searching, seeking and maybe stepping over the edge into confusion and maybe madness... Hopefully coming out into the light on the other side...


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This was the first card which stepped out of the deck to greet me. It seems to be calling to both a leaving behind (waning moon) and an idea that not everything that is seen by moonlight is the same when viewed by day.

The choice to walk between those trees, follow the waning moon or wait for the dawn is a choice we all have. Follow or dwell upon the shifting anxieties of the dark hours or put dreams into action when the daylight comes.

This moon is nearly over, nearly spent and a new one will be here soon. It seems to ask me, what are your dreams, are they pie in the sky or achieveable? Are you constantly dreaming but never doing? The waning moon suggests that she (the Moon) is reminding us to remember that all things come to an end, think about what is real and what is holding you back. Are you always waiting for the next cycle by dreaming and never doing? Time to stop worrying and make plans.


This moon is nearly over, nearly spent and a new one will be here soon. It seems to ask me, what are your dreams, are they pie in the sky or achieveable? Are you constantly dreaming but never doing? The waning moon suggests that she (the Moon) is reminding us to remember that all things come to an end, think about what is real and what is holding you back. Are you always waiting for the next cycle by dreaming and never doing? Time to stop worrying and make plans.

I really love what you've said about the waning moon here and I've never thought of The Moon card as giving that advice but I can really see it now...
Thank you..


Excellent thoughts on this card Sulis and Milfoil.
It is such a beautiful card...just what a moon card should be.
It gives me that aching little lift in my stomach...a feeling of awe and apprehenson all at the same time.
Being out in the dark at night with a moon it makes me feel the vastness of the universe and all things possible and impossible.
How fragile it all the balance can so easitly be tipped...sometimes it is too much to wrap my mind around.
I always tell my clients when this card comes up it is my "unset jello" card.
It has the potential to be jello depending on time and temperature.
That all things are not set in stone yet.
There is wiggle room....and changability just like the waning, waxing of the moon.
Wonderful card....thanks for your insights.


What about the rainbow of color around the card?
There is also that colourful framing on the 8 of pentacles. Do you think it is link to the amount of creativity coming from these cards?


What about the rainbow of color around the card?
There is also that colourful framing on the 8 of pentacles. Do you think it is link to the amount of creativity coming from these cards?

I'd say that's a possibility, yes....

For me, with this card, the coloured border makes me think of stepping through a portal or looking at something through a frame, almost as if it's not real.. It's as if the image is in another world, a dreamscape where things are not quite as they seem...

I think with any of these cards though, the meaning depends a lot on the context and on what comes to mind during that particular reading...