This isn´t a tarot deck (is it?)


philebus said:
...I have a modest collection of French suited packs...

:) Hi! philebus!
So glad to see your post...

Re: French decks...

Do you know this one and approximately when it came out?

This is a French deck and has 78 cards...

The box says:

Jeu De Tarot
Reedition d' un des premiers
<< TAROT NOUVEAU >> de 1890
Undes rares exemplaires est conserve a la
Bibliotheque Nationale de France

I recently got this deck, and others, from my Tarot mentor (like an adopted mom :) )
that owed a Metaphysical store for years and retired in the 90's. She is still
giving me decks that were given to her back then (for promotion or display, etc.)

Would love to hear more about this deck...
...but...maybe it needs a new I am not drawn to reading with it.

:) :love:



I suspect that you might mean the pack scanned for use in this computer game:

You can click on the images for larger pictures. Looking down the page, they name the cards used with the same text you give.

If it is these, then Dusserre still use them in their packs. They use the images found in most tarot packs but differ in their colouring, which is much less gaudy than most modern packs and by far the most attractive to use the standard faces. Without checking, I believe tarobear'slair imports Dusserre packs, including the Tarot Des Fleurs.

While I understand that they may not be the thing for reading, I do hope you might consider holding on to them and trying out the games.

I know, I'm always trying to get folk to try these but there are so many different tarot games that you're bound to find one you really enjoy - and it would be a shame to miss out on part of the card's diverse history and use. The French game is deservedly popular. Scarto is a good game to learn the basics, and Droggn after that. Straw Man Tarock is one of the best two player card games you can find (and easier to teach than Bezique!) - while the Swiss games of Troccas and Troggu will accomodate up to eight players.

For more advanced players there is also Illustrated Tapp, Hungarian Tarokk, and Point-Tarock.

The rules to all of these are available on the internet, most of them at and a quick google will find the others.