Threes and the Empress


Lain_82 said:
How does the 3 of swords relate to the Empress?????? :confused: I can't relate birth and creation to pain and heart break.
The sorrowing mother (dolores/dolorosa). This fits in quite well with the limitation aspects of the 3rd sephira Binah on the Tree of Life. The "bleeding heart" version of the Virgin Mary is quite prevalent in the catholic church.



Arnnaria said:
Threes represent trinities in my viewpoint.

Also could be seen as man-woman-child, which would be guarded and ruled over by the Empress with all her glory and bounty.

I tend to think of threes as triangles as well. Its like moving beyond the dynamic of the two and into a "triangle" type setting that may feel like celebration, tension/deception, building larger things, etc. depending on the suit. However, I am also a bit unclear about how far to take the numerical correspondence btw the minor and major, or if it is even appropriate.
Drawing three 3s in a three card reading would certainly impress me too! What are the odds?!!


Pythia said:
Just yesterday I drew 3 cards for a reading on Present situation-Advice-Future and all three were Threes! (pentacles, wands and cups-rev)

I've read that the Threes correspond to the Empress. I might be stating the obvious here, but my question is: How is this the case? Is it because they both symbolize birth and creation?? And how does this knowledge translate in the reading of the cards...meaning, I know that there are other major Arcana cards that relate to the minors, but how much of the Major do you read in such cases? (hope this is clear!)

Thanks for your insight.

The 3's relate to the Empress because she is card 3 in the Major Arcana. That means you can add in part of her message into the 3's if you want to. If you choose to or how much is something you have to decide for yourself using your intuition.
