Towers foundations


Just a quick question .

The tower falls . Does this imply that the foundations ( man made ) are always rotten ?
As this card can come up for, picks at random , er .... sex and love at first sight then the answer would seem to be no . Or is it ? Over to you !

The crowned one

Your foundation may be rock solid but this is out of your hands. Amazing, God-like foresight and planing may cover this contingency but nothing will stop it. For us mortals it hits us without warning and the best we can do is react.

Another way of looking at the Tower is : it is outdated ways of thinking or the inability to adapt , when the truth hits I am sure it is a shock.

The tower is often more of a release despite the shock then a hurt.

I had a little tower moment tonight. A Tarot deck I sold on E-Bay and left positive feed back for has not been paid it seems. Here is what happened: the buyer had 100% feedback so I sent the deck when the cheque arrived and left positive feed back as I considered their side of the transaction done. I received an e-mail tonight with an apology and news of a cheque going to bounce. That is a tower moment...not a horrible one but one all the same because the situation caught me off guard (they had 100% feedback) and there is nothing I can do but react: it is out of my hands. My reaction was a note of "thanks for the heads up" ( and a personal hope of payment), what would anything else do/solve? So the tower often for me is not the inedivable but the surprise of the unexpected and more importantly how I react to it. I am told all costs will be covered, until proved otherwise I choose to accept this tower moment as dealt with with a positive outcome. But I have no control , to speak of, over this tower moment.


No, not always, just often. It can mean sex, too. lol

I also think it means fear a lot of the time.


Thanks for replying . I don't know if I've read the story right , but in your situation couldn't the bounced check be the insecure foundation ( here of a 'deal' ) . Or is that stretching it too far ?! Anyway ...hope it works out well for you in the end !

The crowned one

The tower is always out of your hands, and I feel if not a surpise, happens before you think it should.

I think a lot of the early cartography involved analogies to man being cast out of Eden.

The crowned one

samantha said:
Thanks for replying . I don't know if I've read the story right , but in your situation couldn't the bounced check be the insecure foundation ( here of a 'deal' ) . Or is that stretching it too far ?! Anyway ...hope it works out well for you in the end !

No, not at all. (bounced cheque) as if i suspected that it would bounce it would not be a tower and I would not have sent the deck. I assumed a soilid foundation.

A key here is it is NOT the foundation here that fails but the Tower built apon it.

Thinking about this more I think I see what you are saying (semantics and how we type interfering)


Does this imply that the foundations ( man made ) are always rotten ?
Wat a good question! Never thought about that. On my cards (Rider Waite and Robin Wood) the tower doesn't fall. On Rider Waite it's basically attacked by lightening and on Robin Wood both struck by lightning and attacked at the bottom by waves, gnawing at the tower's basis. But that's still not its foundation.
I'm not sure whether the foundation is man made. On RW the tower is built on a rock, which is not man made. Maybe you simply "plonked" your tower on something that seemed solid and stable. Maybe that's why it went wrong: if you build your own foundation, you need to think about it and make it the way you want it. Like building your own house from scratch, you will have to think about where you want to build, size, division of the rooms, what goes where and so on. That way it might take more time, but there's a good chance of ending up with the house you always wanted.
So I don't think the foundation is rotten, I think you forgot to build it to begin with.



When I read the card I dont tend to take the tower as the important part but the people. As we are the people in tower after all, some of us are flying high at the top, some of us are working hard in the middle and some are at the bottom wishing we could move up. The point is that wherever a person is situated in the tower they can fall out at any point if its struck by lightning (fate). A feeling that the position you once had however sturdy you thought it has changed and you have to adapt to that change. The tower rebuilds and falls as we do so its foundations are as strong as we make it. Well thats my two cents =)


If the Tower is a structure built of continuously reinforced lies and false perceptions of a situation... then the foundations are what would be left if the Tower fell, and that would be what is really true about that situation, I think. It is the foundation that you re-build upon, no? If your foundation is also rotten, then you'd probably need Death and not a Tower moment to change things.