Trimmed Borders/Altered Decks Index


Also, when you "bling" your deck with nail polish and glitter, how to you make sure they don't rub off as you use the deck? Or do you shuffle super carefully?

Thanks! :)

For the various brands of polish and fine glitter polish I left the cards open to cure for 2-ish days before stacking them and have had no problems with the cards sticking later.
The polish absolutely does not rub off, or onto other areas of the cards. I didn't use anything smudgy so didn't overcoat like Rodney.


Yeah, I used polish, glue, marker pens, paint pens, and anything else I could get my hands on. :) I needed to seal the front of my cards to stop smudges and wear.


I trimmed my DruidCraft down to the stone borders, and I LOVE it. I can *almost* shuffle it normally now.

I'm going to work with it as is for awhile, then I'll think about lobbing off the stone borders, too.


I trimmed my DruidCraft down to the stone borders, and I LOVE it. I can *almost* shuffle it normally now.

I'm going to work with it as is for awhile, then I'll think about lobbing off the stone borders, too.

Same here, have just spent more than 2hrs trimming Druidcraft. Hand's aching now lol.
All borders gone but titles intact, and they look amazing! Thrilled that I made the right choice :)


PetraK is def a deck much improved by trimming. In the process of doing that now. Those giganta-borders were painful to me eyes :0


based on the gilded edges thread I got a pack of the Tsukineko Brilliance stamps and will try an edge gilding for the first time. The pack was 10 dollars US and included Galaxy Gold (bright) Platinum Planet (bright), Starlite silver (more pewter), and Cosmic copper.


Trimmed Sacred Rose

Just read your post about your Sacred Rose, Kalliope. I did the same thing to mine last week. Like you, I also bought a new deck, compared it with the old, and trimmed the new!

The only difference is, I left the narrow black and white textured border intact. Having seen your scans, I'm now thinking maybe those borders should have gone as well.

This is only the third deck I have snipped ... previously having taken my scissors to the Druidcraft & the Arthurian ... all for different reasons ... all much improved. But the vibrancy of the colours in the Sacred Rose takes my breath away!

I finally took some pictures of my trimmed Sacred Rose Tarot. I bought myself a new copy to trim since I love my old one as it is. It's just nice to have a more compact version that's more portable. (As an aside, the card stock and colors are better on the older deck.)


AJ, good luck on your gilting adventures xD

also, here be PetraK, trimmed


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  • petrak_trim2.jpg
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looks great, don't suppose you thought to do a before and after picture? I'm not familiar with the deck at all. But then I'm the one that said "what borders" re: the Llewellyn.

My edge gilding was a breeze. I chose the LoScarabeo Etruscan, it has sort of orange-ish borders, I used the copper. It isn't need sunglasses bling, but incredibly upscale, when the fan the cards the edges look like they grew that way from the womb. Really lovely.

I'm just taking a break from the LoS Minchiate which came yesterday. Such a pretty little using the bright gold, which is actually fairly subdued on such a narrow surface. Yum!