Trimmed Borders/Altered Decks Index

Laura Borealis

Okay, here are some scans. They're a little off center but the cards themselves are nice and even :D

This looks great, with those heavy black borders gone!


Thanks, Laura. The black borders on these cards just didn't work for me.

I'm halfway through trimming Druid Craft. I decided to remove all borders but leave titles intact. It's amazing how the art now pops, this is really a gorgeous deck and I can now see the tremendous amount of work that went into it, not just the Majors but the Minors, too, all received attention. The lack of borders allows my eye and heart to roam far off the edges of the cards. A few pics to share.


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Marcus R

Nice work with the druidcraft. I got a cheap Druid deck and was thinking of trimming down to the border top,and sides. The only problem was the corner rounding, I was thinking with the borders intact, I would have to leave the cards square cut.
With your method the edges are clean and the titles work well with the border over the top. Will think of doing it your way.


Enchanted Tarot ~ Cut the Inner Edges?

Nice work with the druidcraft. I got a cheap Druid deck and was thinking of trimming down to the border top,and sides. The only problem was the corner rounding, I was thinking with the borders intact, I would have to leave the cards square cut.
With your method the edges are clean and the titles work well with the border over the top. Will think of doing it your way.

Thank you, Marcus. I've got about half a dozen cards left to do. This deck took me quite a bit longer than my Witches deck which I did in a couple of hours. The cardstock is thicker and the cards are bigger plus I'm cutting off the bottom as well.

Next deck up for me is the Enchanted. I've seen pics of previous editions without the loud white borders and colored inner borders and with the card name right on the pic. That won't be an option because the name is now written above the card but I'd really like to trim *all* the borders around the three sides, that means those color-chromed inner borders as well as the white. I'm thinking of getting sheer gold paint for the white and titles. What do you all think? Would that work? Any pics to share of the completely trimmed inner borders? The pics on page one have only trimmed the white.


Next deck up for me is the Enchanted. I've seen pics of previous editions without the loud white borders and colored inner borders and with the card name right on the pic. That won't be an option because the name is now written above the card but I'd really like to trim *all* the borders around the three sides, that means those color-chromed inner borders as well as the white. I'm thinking of getting sheer gold paint for the white and titles. What do you all think? Would that work? Any pics to share of the completely trimmed inner borders? The pics on page one have only trimmed the white.

Madrigal, the deck you mentioned without the borders is the second one published by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. I have the Enchanted Tarot, and I like the full collage with colored and white borders, but they are much too tall for my stubby fingers. I wrote to the couple and asked for a poker-size deck and the Zerner-Farber Tarot was the result. They are a more useful size, but all the borders are gone, as well as a good chunk from the tops and bottoms of the collages themselves. The titles retain the suit colors, but they're now hiding a strip near the bottom of each image. Be careful what you wish for, heh-heh. ;c}

Here are the links to the decks at Aeclectic:

I think they are both out of print, but you might find the Z-F's on eBay.

My favorite borderless deck is the Aquatic Tarot. Aeclectic shows the original squarish images, but the cards were made taller by taking the bottom 20% or so, and flipping it upside-down. The title is where the two "bottoms" meet.
Here is a link to the deck's web site: It's in German but the links are also given in English.


Madrigal, the deck you mentioned without the borders is the second one published by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. I have the Enchanted Tarot, and I like the full collage with colored and white borders, but they are much too tall for my stubby fingers. I wrote to the couple and asked for a poker-size deck and the Zerner-Farber Tarot was the result. They are a more useful size, but all the borders are gone, as well as a good chunk from the tops and bottoms of the collages themselves. The titles retain the suit colors, but they're now hiding a strip near the bottom of each image. Be careful what you wish for, heh-heh. ;c}

Here are the links to the decks at Aeclectic:

I think they are both out of print, but you might find the Z-F's on eBay.

Thanks, Loretta. That first deck you linked is the one I prefer. Will have to see what I can find. In the meantime I'm going to try trimming my Enchanted all the way down to just the image.


Faery Wicca Trimmed

I just trimmed my Faery Wicca Tarot. I did not like the mint green borders at all. This deck was printed over a decade ago so the borders were very prominent to me and my reading experience. I trimmed the top and sides down to the inner black borders. I may trim the inner borders down to the actual images of the cards, but not sure yet. I like them much better with the top and side green borders gone. I will try to post pictures soon. :)


Very nice, cpriestess.

I thought I was going to trim right down to the image with my Enchanted deck but decided to start with the outer borders first. The big white border at the top is non-negotiable right now as I'm not familiar enough with the cards to cut it off though I'm not pleased with how it looks. Really, I should just search for a ZF on ebay as Loretta suggested upthread.

Rose Lalonde

Mary-el trimmed & edged -- thin borders & titles intact

I'm so much happier with the look and feel. I like a little border, but the unwieldy size of these cards and chunkiness of the black borders bothered me. Now it's a lot more like the majors & aces deck Marie White made.

Fiskars Softouch spring action scissors
Sunstar Kodomaru corner rounder (3mm side)
Tim Holtz Frayed Burlap distress ink pad
EDIT: Alternate link since dropshots is down at the moment: