Trimmed off borders of decks: Worthwhile? Tips & Pictures.


I think it is a matter of personal preference: some people like their decks with borders, some don't. Whether it is worthwhile depends on how much you like or dislike the borders on a deck.
If they don't bother you you can save yourself the work.

I have now trimmed the borders of: Thoth, Swedish Witch, DruidCraft, Green Man Tree Oracle, Druid Animal Oracle,...maybe more...
Sorry I have no scanner.
From the Thoth I cut off the big gray border and the keywords, from the other decks just the little white border or the grey border (Swedish Witch) that had no decorative value ar all.
And I love them all without borders :) Also the Swedish Witch is now a smaller deck, which I also like, I need so much less space for a spread and it just looks so cute.

DollieAnna said:
I would never cut the borders off of my cards. It seems the artist put them there for a reason. To me, it is sacreligious (whatever your religion or path is). But that is me. I don't think the cards would like it either.

I doubt if all artists working for Lo Scarabeo like their art to be topped by a big border with the card name in six languages.
I don't think the artist had any say in this. Also, that little white border is often not what the artist intended. Often artists are commisioned by the author of a deck and don't have much say in how their work is used.
Really sacrilegious to me is how the artist of the Celtic Wisdom Tarot got her original paintings cropped to fit on the tarot cards. Much worse than cutting off a border...


Yea, WolfSpirit. I can agree with having the name put on the border in "19" (exaggeration) languages is just plain stupid.. Most of my decks don't have that. BUT I can agree with you on cutting those of, if you wanted.

IF I would EVER cut of Borders it would be from my Really Big Thoth. I don't like the deck in the first place, but I'd rather keep it intact in case I tade it, than circumcise it (little morning humor there) (going to get the coffee...)

Little Baron

The borders on a lot of those LoS decks have bothered me enough in the past that I didn't buy them; especially a problem with the historical decks - such a horrible contrast. I have the 'Ancient Marseilles' and 'Ancient Bologna', which thankfully, are not defaced with the language in many titles. I trimmed my Thoth, DollieAnna, after reading a thread on here and I much prefer it - I think that I probably would never have used it otherwise, so it was worth a go. It felt like a totally new deck afterwards. Was just thinking about decks that I wouldn't cut - I have one of the Limited Edition Soprafino decks and I wouldn't go at that one with the scissors. I agree that that would be sacreligious. ;)



I was both horrified and intrigued when I first read that people were trimming their decks. Now I am a dedicated deck trimmer....if the borders are distracting, off they go.

What really convinced me was trimming my Crystal Tarot, which I never used because of the distracting borders, which included not only the card titles in several languages, but a strip of white going through the picture on top and bottom, and some kind of "wings" on the sides, tops and bottoms. Way too much activity. And the images themselves were so beautiful. Once trimmed, I use them all the time.

Now I've trimmed several decks: the Goddess -- the borders on this deck were a kind of orangey tan that made all the cards seem the same. Also, the deck is oversized. Now, the inner borders give instant suit recognition, and the cards fit my hands much better.

The Celtic Wisdom -- I trimmed off the titles on the bottoms.. I just couldn't deal with her suit names, they were way too distracting.

The Nigel Jackson -- now the colors sing on this one, and the deck is much more comfortable in my hands. I'm using another deck that I'd put away.

The Hanson-Roberts. I can't believe I did this already small deck. But it had these useless little white borders, they are very intense, and not much smaller.

I've also trimmed the Robin-Wood.


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I am currently using the Thoth, got it last summer or early fall. I really like the deck and feel a good connection with it, except for those key words, well actually just those negative ones. (STRIFE yuck) But, I am afraid I'll ruin my connection with this deck, or that I won't be able to get each card uniform. I guess I am just afraid... that first step and all... these threads are helping to sway me, I wish I could just get a Thoth deck sans borders off of Amazon. I can't seem to access the photos included on this thread either. I do have a paper cutter though, I've read this helps. It's just 78 cards... seems like so many chances to ruin my one last good deck, and I don't want to go back to my Sisters of The Moon while I wait for a replacement Thoth...
Tough decision


Doing It Right Now!!!

well, I am currently on my 10th card and though they will clearly not be a perfectly cut deck (my paper cutter is apparently a piece of crap...was unaware of this til now) I am seeing already the difference in how the paintings look (gorgeous). All of the accolades about the paintings popping out after the trim, are absolutely true. I really feel like this deck will now help me work on my intuitive hits...Thank you all

editted for spelling


Pics and Tips for trimming borders off decks

Wow, what great responses!

Personally, I wasn't sure I would want to trim the borders off my decks. Plus, I was worried that I would mess up the deck if I tried. I was curious as to how much the deck's look and feel would be improved. Well, I am amazed how much better the deck looks. Even so-so decks are vastly improved for my taste. Many thanks to Imagemaker and RedMaple for providing pictures.

I haven't trimmed any of my decks, yet. The tips like practicing on a cheap pack of playing cards are really helpful. I will definately be on the lookout for a great set of corner cutters. That is a real concern for me. I like to riffle/casino shuffle my deck, so having the deck completley uniform (length, width and corner shape) is really important.

I look forward to seeing more end-result pictures and reading more tips.

I can hardly wait to attack my collection!



hi tatsi

just finished trimming my Thoth deck and even though it is so not uniform, I already like it better than before, fits my smallish hands much better too. I am pleased with the results and will never again be jolted by the sight of the word "RUIN" or "FAILURE" when I am reading tarot.

Thanks for creating this post!


RedMaple said:
I was both horrified and intrigued when I first read that people were trimming their decks. Now I am a dedicated deck trimmer....if the borders are distracting, off they go.

What really convinced me was trimming my Crystal Tarot, which I never used because of the distracting borders, which included not only the card titles in several languages, but a strip of white going through the picture on top and bottom, and some kind of "wings" on the sides, tops and bottoms. Way too much activity. And the images themselves were so beautiful. Once trimmed, I use them all the time.

Now I've trimmed several decks: the Goddess -- the borders on this deck were a kind of orangey tan that made all the cards seem the same. Also, the deck is oversized. Now, the inner borders give instant suit recognition, and the cards fit my hands much better.

The Celtic Wisdom -- I trimmed off the titles on the bottoms.. I just couldn't deal with her suit names, they were way too distracting.

The Nigel Jackson -- now the colors sing on this one, and the deck is much more comfortable in my hands. I'm using another deck that I'd put away.

The Hanson-Roberts. I can't believe I did this already small deck. But it had these useless little white borders, they are very intense, and not much smaller.

I've also trimmed the Robin-Wood.

I am still aginst trimming, but RedMaple you have done a beautiful job!


DollieAnna said:
I would never cut the borders off of my cards. It seems the artist put them there for a reason. To me, it is sacreligious (whatever your religion or path is). But that is me. I don't think the cards would like it either.

Most artists don't add borders to their designs, they are added by the publishing company. For example I'm considering taking the scissors to a lot of my Lo Scarabeo decks. Beautiful artwork, but those borders are an eyesore.