Troublesome card elaborations


Not so much of an issue now as it used to be, but was just reflecting on my journey through learning the cards, and rifling through my tarot decks thinking about the cards that gave me the most trouble as a beginner.

I'm not sure if this is a common thing or just me, but the cards I tended to have more of a blockage in, not so much interpretation, but elaboration with, are the ones that would at first glance seem to be self-explanatory - 'The Lovers', 'Justice', 'Judgement', 'Strength' in particular were sticklers, especially when giving more indepth readings, the basic meanings just didn't seem to cut it. I remember getting quite frustrated any time any of these four cards came up in readings. Looking at them across different decks and seeing different symbolism has helped some in providing extra correspondences.

Would love to hear about similar experiences with cards you've had difficulty with and how you got over these blockages?


I'm in the same boat as you. Most of the major arcanas are the ones that I have the most trouble interpreting. What I usually do is to clarify those cards with another to get a more in depth meaning to the major arcana cards.

Out of all cards, I would say that The Moon is the one that I have most blockage with.

I also have the a hard time interpreting the cards that show up for me more often than the other cards, like the 3 of coins or 3 of wands etc. I feel that the more I see it, the less meaning it has to the reading, although I don't do it on purpose.