Two cards as how he feels about me keep coming up- Ten of Cups reversed + Five of Wan


Hi, thank you for taking the time to read and lend me your wisdom!

I've been writing to this guy I like, asking for advice about my life and career.
He's seen some nasty bullies destroy my life and now I'm trying to rebuild it.
I sense he's conflicted- personally and professionally about how he feels about me, although he has rebuffed my 'feelings', he continues to offer some support via email.

I use the Mythic Tarot.

Lately I can't tell whether he's on my side; or whether he's 'one of them'. i.e. he thinks I'll always be a failure no matter what.

Just got crushing news today about a job I was 'promised' but has since been given to someone else.

The 2 same cards keep coming up-

Ten of Cups reversed- which I sense as a great deal of love and affection, but why is it upside down?

Five of Wands- perhaps they represent internal conflict for him.

he feels he shouldn't be communicating with me any more, or he has repressed feelings (either sexual or political) that go against his public image. however, he is a very decent person and even though he is very busy, he takes the time to listen and give me some advice.

I just don't understand why these 2 cards about his feelings keep popping up in spreads I do about him?


Moderator Note

Hi WondererW,

This section of the forum is for complete readings only. Repeating cards are discussed in Using Tarot Cards. So you either have to post all of the cards as well as your interpretations for each card from a spread that included these two cards as his feelings for you, or we can move this to UTC.

I'm also a bit confused about what your question was when you pulled the cards. Were you asking about the crushing news you received about not getting the job, and then also asked about his feelings for you in relation to this crushing news? Or does this job situation have nothing to do with the reading?

Let me know how you'd like to proceed with this reading and I can move it if need be.

Others, please wait until we get this thread situated.

Thank you :)



Hi Prudence,
so sorry I seem to keep messing this up!

can you please move this to the appropriate section?

yes, bad news is a recurring theme when I email him.


Ten Of Cups Rx & Five Of Wands = he feels that you constantly derail your life and sabotage your own happiness. Alternatively it could be his feelings for you are blocked because you are constantly in crisis and don't seem to have handle on your life. Either way, he feels you bring chaos and strife with you.

To be honest I don't see any romantic feelings here at all. Ten of cups can also just be about your personal happiness and satisfaction with life. And that's how I'm really seeing it here. He sees you constantly in one state of crisis to the next and feels your life is emotionally turbulent (10 cups rx).


Ten Of Cups Rx & Five Of Wands = he feels that you constantly derail your life and sabotage your own happiness. Alternatively it could be his feelings for you are blocked because you are constantly in crisis and don't seem to have handle on your life. Either way, he feels you bring chaos and strife with you.

To be honest I don't see any romantic feelings here at all. Ten of cups can also just be about your personal happiness and satisfaction with life. And that's how I'm really seeing it here. He sees you constantly in one state of crisis to the next and feels your life is emotionally turbulent (10 cups rx).

Thank you for your insights, Absynthe. I've never looked at it that way before. Previously he's said that he doesn't want to discuss anything 'personal' leaving me with little more to say than emailing about really important things.

So your deduction is likely quite true. Not comforting but true. Ironically, I had just emailed to say that my life looked like it was starting to turn around- I had passed exams, etc and I had been more or less 'promised' a job. things sounded positive. But I kept getting those cards.

Today the bad news and the Five of Wands was reversed. So it looks like once again, like in the card, Jason and Medea went to fight the dragon but the card became reversed with the bad news - we/ I lost my epic battle.


His feelings, 10 of cups reversed and 5 of Wands reversed. There is nothing there to fight for, no rainbow in sight. You go to him for advice, all he sees is your misfortunes, does he ever see positives? Good times? Perhaps these cards are telling you to let him see all that is you, not just your dilemmas.


His feelings, 10 of cups reversed and 5 of Wands reversed. There is nothing there to fight for, no rainbow in sight. You go to him for advice, all he sees is your misfortunes, does he ever see positives? Good times? Perhaps these cards are telling you to let him see all that is you, not just your dilemmas.

oh Pamuya, I feel so defeated! But I think you are right. sadly I try to keep my interaction with him brief, so as not to waste his time. in effect it means, no chit chat. I wonder how I can change that?

ana luisa

I had a look at the cards and it seems although he likes and feels for your ordeal, he does not see you two as "equals" (mostly in the mind area). He may feel reticent sometimes to put out what he truly thinks about your ideas which is that they are far from realistic and more dreamy than down-to-earth. Sorry...


10C rx is typically a situation or incident that upsets a normally happy situation and the job loss certainly fits with the 5W indicating your opposition. Also fulfilment in your relationships blocked by an inner struggle related to ego problems, that's to say your mantra may be 'I'm not worthy' masked by an over-inflated projection that's difficult to spot in ourselves but gaining a psychological insight helps via self-examination and study.

This is likely what he see's in you because that's his job and part of it is maintaining healthy professional boundaries hence the re-buff, I don't believe he's confused but suspect you may be due to the refusal to accept the lack of romantic interest.

When there's an inner battle going on inside at the energetic level we draw these conflicts into our life in the physical so we can apply the cards to the picture between you and him, there's discontent and a conflict of interests as you are now the figures battling in the card. Was the relationship positive and happy before you expressed romantic interest which caused him to distance the relationship.


I had a look at the cards and it seems although he likes and feels for your ordeal, he does not see you two as "equals" (mostly in the mind area). He may feel reticent sometimes to put out what he truly thinks about your ideas which is that they are far from realistic and more dreamy than down-to-earth. Sorry...

Thanks for your reply Ana Luisa. I think you are right, and you are putting into words what I've had a hard time accepting myself. I'm slowly coming to terms with what I feel is the loss of my first born child' and he is trying to be upbeat and encouraging at all times. Perhaps he feels that at times, he has not much to offer, especially without compromising himself. Sadly he may feel that I am a failure, as they have decried. But I am determined that I will pick up my life and move on. Indeed, I have started mylife over again and he still doesn't think I'm 'enough'? Yeah, that goes with the mentality of those men...