U.S. Games - customer service problem and resolution


I've worked retail for several seasons and the holidays can get overwhelming for sales clerks as well as customer service personel. I'm glad things worked out here, and it seems like everything will be handled at the other end too. The problem has been solidly taken care of. I'm glad for you Tatan.


I think we can state now that US Games DO care and that this unfortunate situation is something that they do not wish to see again.

I'm very happy to see the situation has both gotten very nicely resolved (the fingerprints of Kaplan himself on those cards ;)) and that they are going to bring up the events with the team involved.

Not that I'm surprised at all..
Companies don't get that big without caring about their customers after all..
Something we need to keep in mind when things go wrong.


and i am happy because i believe in the internet which is a very efficient way to connect energy and make things moving,
and i am happy because i suggested in the first place to send a link to this thread to US Games folks :party: ,
and i am happy that Taran stood up for what he believed was right, even if some might have said it was not the exact right way to do it.
Congrats, Matthew! :thumbsup:

and i can see why this Golden Tarot, which is a great deck from a :love: passionate and compassionate artist :love:, which ended in your hands in such a spectacular manner, i can see why it will be so special to you.
all i have from Stu is his face in the Medieval Scapini ;) and i still think the guy looks like Shakespeare, which indeed is not that bad ;)

Tarotbear, many of your posts make me laugh but if i might, we too are ppl, the best way to make your point is maybe not to talk aggressively and/or condescendingly.

all is well that ends well !



Glad everything turned out fine.

See, involving CEO is not too bad an indea ;)


rainwolf said:
I NEVER order from USG--I use Amazon and I save money and time.
ER - when did you last use amazon ? See "Fairytale not here" thread and others. Something seems to have gone badly wrong there recently. When they DO send stuff it's generally fine - it's when they DON'T.... No money is being lost; it is just incredibly slow at the moment - US and UK anyway !


gregory said:
No money is being lost; it is just incredibly slow at the moment - US and UK anyway !

Is it just now, during the Christmas season? (Have you seen their gifts ordered ticker on their home page? 107,739,810 items and counting.)

Otherwise, I'd keep an eye out too.



Ilithiya said:
Is it just now, during the Christmas season? (Have you seen their gifts ordered ticker on their home page? 107,739,810 items and counting.)

Otherwise, I'd keep an eye out too.
It all started up for me at the end of October..... My real fury started in mid November after the Fairytale I ordered early in the month ("delivery normally in 24 hours") started slipping.... and slipping..... when the delivery date hit Dec 24 I cancelled........ Sigh. And lots of others have had the same with that particular item - and Karen says they have loads in stock - and it STILL shows up as shipped in 24 hours ! Still - by comparison with the USG saga, this is as nothing ! No money lost, just irritation.

Yes, I went through customer service. Just a standard response "we are sorry if there is a problem with your order; we are looking into it." If there had been money involved I would have used the PHONE NUMBER !!!! I have for them - but I couldn't be bothered.


Glad everything worked out for you, Taran. I just finished reading this, in horror. No matter WHAT, good customer service should NEVER yell at a customer. As for the general reputation of U.S Games, sounds like one bad apple rather than the whole bunch, and hopefully the meeting helped clear this up for any customers dealing with him/her in the future.


Well, I recieved my Golden Tarot today. And I am extremely pleased :)

Thanks US Games!

Knight of Wands

I'm glad you got it at last :D
