Understanding the Tarot Court


Can anyone give me a view on this book by Mary K Greer? Would be grateful for any comments.


In a nutshell there's a lot of information and it can sometimes be a little bit confusing, but still a good book.

Little Baron

I found this book extremely useful when I approached the Marseille court. It really helped me look at the members and how they reacted to both me and the other court characters. I had previously found the Marseille court difficult to understand but it opened up that world to me. There are threads about this book and study of the exercises if you do a search.



I'm about halfway through this book right now. The book does have a lot of information in it. But, the author has exercises and tarot spreads in the different chapters to make the information more accessible.


Thank you all for your comments.


If you wander over to the Study Groups you should be able to find the group I did that was based on the exercises in this book. I found it very useful. :)