Unique art decks


Which deck or decks from your collection or from those you have seen caught your attention the most with it's art? It doesn't be the most beautiful or your favorite but there is something about it's images that interests you?

For me it's the New Century tarot with it's bold, fairy tale like images.





Which deck or decks from your collection or from those you have seen caught your attention the most with it's art? It doesn't be the most beautiful or your favorite but there is something about it's images that interests you?

For me it's the New Century tarot with it's bold, fairy tale like images.

I will have to think (and maybe I won't have an answer) but it's funny you should mention this one. I ran onto it in my desk and was surprised that it wasn't more popular. I looked through it and decided that I liked it and it could stay.



From my little collection, the Daniloff tarot stands out for its artistic quality. It's a wonderful and very personal interpretation of tarot archetypes, medieval illuminations (especially Carolingian) and expressionist art. It's a fascinating deck.

The Wild Unknown has very good art, too, and I love it because it also reads well. The ink drawings with miminal colour touches give unusual, enigmatic, unsentimental images of animals.

Margarethe Petersen is an interesting artist but I have problems reading with her deck, much as I appreciate her art. It's both figurative and abstract, a very interesting use of colour and texture, and it's better for meditation than readings, at least for me.

The Light and Shadow has really good art, too. I have a weak spot for lino and wood prints, and the stark black and white, the clever use of positive and negative, and the expressive use of line and plane is masterful IMO.

From an artistic point of view, these are among my favorites.

Honorable mentions for Dreaming Way and Shadowscapes! Their art is more illustrative-narrative but very very good, and less abstract than Petersen or Goepferd's art. That makes for better reading.

I find that for their function as tarot cards, artistically less successful decks can work better. Puzzling but that's my experience. It seems that aesthetic quality is not everything, not even first priority in a deck.

ETA: I didn't know the New Century deck before but I agree, it has excellent art.


The Dali, I think, which I recently decided is readable for me after all. The majors are very striking, but the collage style of the minors is compelling, too...

Other decks I bought mostly for the art--hmm. The Wild Unknown. The NOMAD tarot. TWU felt so very fresh and different when I first saw it. There's more stuff like it out right now, but it's still unusual. I would say that I buy most of my decks either for their historical value or for the art, and there's only a few I buy for the hype or for that enigmatic quality of suspected "readability."

(though purchases in the name of readability have been some of my favorites. And of course, some decks are both. TWU has always read great for me.)


Without question the Daniloff Tarot is my favorite deck art-wise. I am also very drawn to the Wild Unknown and Prisma Visions decks because of the art. I aesthetically really enjoy the pops of color that both decks use.


Another vote for the Daniloff here! I just love it.

And now that it is finally completed and I am lucky enough to have a copy, Bill's Tarot or Le Tarot Tournant seen here http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=253817

I believe it was simply called Bill's tarot when it was still just a majors only, now that it is a full 78 card deck, it has a new name.

I find the art from both of these decks to be endlessly appealing.


Wow, Prudence, that's a real beauty. My TOADIE convictions are shaking and shivering in their little shoes now... I LOVE that deck.


Captivating art for me:

Black & white decks: Jean Luc Bonicel and Storm (this deck I've only seen only on-line)

Color decks: Pomegranate, Daniloff, Arto, Marie-Claude Purro

I's sure I am forgetting some other wonderful decks.


Two favorites are La Corte Dei Tarocchi - the figures can get kindergaten-y, but the acid etching technique produced really wonderful colors and textures, and Omaggio A Erte - gottalove Folchi. Great coloring technique too. Plus Erte's style is interesting - he's classified as a Deco artist, but there's a lot of almost-Nouveau stuff in his details.

Just two off the top of my head. Love the New Century too. For some reason, I associate the style with the Witches Tarot (the Bond one).