Unlikely take on the Hermit, yet it makes sense...

The crowned one

JUst to put a different spin on it....

Perhaps it means you are going to be a teacher..A young lover to be molded by you ?;) The hermit can be a guide too.

mystic mal

As a flame attracts a moth I think as someone has already said you are waiting for the right moth to come along,someone attracted to the light in you.In my Tarot deck it says "It all comes to those who wait with patience"

Incidentally Im a woman and Im having difficulty with my chin hairs and I live alone!!!!


willowfox said:
He seems to be searching in the wrong places on a barren mountain top, unless he/her fancies...a goat?

I'm not into that stuff, willow! lol!

mystic mal said:
Incidentally Im a woman and Im having difficulty with my chin hairs and I live alone!!!!

We should start a club! There probably already is one!


Hermit -

Dear Raya and Huredriel,
If it's any consolation to you i am also single and have traveled with many lamps / lanterns along motorways, A,B,C and even unclassified roads all over England - mostly searching for a sale ! Along the way i've slowly learned a lot and managed to avoid most life threatening collisions but oddly enough have been bumped four times in Torbay by women.... This suggests that the Hermit is fully up to date and regularly opperating on a basis of equal opportunity locally ! i do appreciate the comments written as major cards indicate a here and now but never cast in concrete to the best of my experience.


SphinYote said:
Burly, muscular ski instructor?
Mountain climber! There's a lot of them out there now and they're in very good shape ;)


What happens if the Hermit lives a top a high rise, then who is the potential mate?


willowfox said:
What happens if the Hermit lives a top a high rise, then who is the potential mate?
The window washer?!? (sorry, had to ...)


As a side note, when I was in Taipei I did find a Buddhist shrine/temple that had been built on the top floor of a building, they had taken over the whole top floor, very unusual but fits the Hermit nicely, living a top a high rise contemplating life, meeting fellow seekers of wisdom.


I can't think of any better way to prepare oneself for a lasting, fulfilling relationship than the life of a Hermit. Getting to know oneself intimately, finding one's own truth and living it, weeding out the extraneous things---not only makes one the ideal partner but also prepares one for recognizing the right partner when he (or she) comes along. I'm sure the Hermit gets lonely and goes through a dark night of the soul, for sure, but he has the option of ending his hermeticism at some point. He's not shining his lantern around thinking "Juliet, Juliet, where art thou Juliet" because that's not the point of his isolation, but on the other hand, the truths he finds for himself and the light he shines on the path might lead his perfect mate to him after some time and certainly prepares him if it happens.


Honestly, though, my first instinct for this card (and I generally go with my first instinct) was, "the cards are teasing me with a picture of the ultimate loner." It wouldn't be the first time. And if you don't believe the Powers that Be use the cards to tease people, just wait. Someday they'll do the same to you. :p

Anyway, I'm not too worried about it. It was just a fun, trite question I asked. S'all good.