Unsolved murder spread?


I know, I know, this is an odd one. But my friend asked me to do a reading for a friend of hers who was murdered in '83 & the perpetrator was never caught. I did a search, but surprise, I didn't find anything. I'll do the reading - it'll ease my friend's mind. I just thought maybe I could find an existing spread before I created my own. Or altered one.


If you do create a spread, could you post it? My cousin was murdered in '86, and it was never solved.

Glass Owl

If your friend wants insights into the case you may be able to tweak a fact-finding spread. Here is one that may get you started.

The Who, What, When, Where, Why, How Spread by Ann Murkett
This spread is posted at mytarotspreads.com and mydivination.com

A formula to get to the whole story of the situation.


1. Who. Who is involved?
2. What. What happened?
3. When. When did it take place?
4. Where. Where did it take place?
5. Why. Why did it take place?
6. How. How did it happen?

You may also want to look at spreads designed to assist your friend in coming to terms with her loss. Plus, there is also the issue of dealing with the feelings associated with an unsolved crime.