Violent dreams


Last night I had this horrible dream where i was holding my 13 month old daughter and we were being held hostage, along with others, by two men with guns. One of the hostages had a gun and was trying to stir up trouble with the takers. He and one of the hostage takers ran into a glass enclosed room, so we could see everything, and the hostage taker was about to shoot him in the head. When the hostage taker saw I was looking at him, he pointed the gun at me (and my daughter I was holding on my lap) and screamed at me, asking me if I really wanted to see if it was bulletproof glass.

I was so terrified in the dream, then I woke up (thankfully).

I'm guessing this maybe from all the stress in my life right now manifesting itself.


Piper said:
Last night I had this horrible dream where i was holding my 13 month old daughter and we were being held hostage, along with others, by two men with guns. One of the hostages had a gun and was trying to stir up trouble with the takers. He and one of the hostage takers ran into a glass enclosed room, so we could see everything, and the hostage taker was about to shoot him in the head. When the hostage taker saw I was looking at him, he pointed the gun at me (and my daughter I was holding on my lap) and screamed at me, asking me if I really wanted to see if it was bulletproof glass.

I was so terrified in the dream, then I woke up (thankfully).

I'm guessing this maybe from all the stress in my life right now manifesting itself.

Wow Piper, that sounds scary! My dreams have calmed down a lot since I had the girls (of course I'm only three weeks out, post partum) but when I was pregnant, I'd wake up screaming and sweating from the nightmares. I hope your stress manages itself soon, for your sake.


I am in the middle of reading a book called 'The Way of the Shaman', and he says that when we have 'big' dreams- which he describes as being extremely vivid or powerful) they are sometimes some kind of message from our guardian spirits.

He says that if you enact it- just recreate it in a harmless way at home, (although you might want to carry a cuddly toy or teddy bear rather than your daughter!) and then when you get to the point where the gunman pointed at you, imagine yourself asking him what it is that he wants you to know- what message is he trying to give you?

The author said that this is a technique used by some cultures to get at the meaning of a powerful but confusing dream, (he mentions some Native American tribes) and it allows you to reclaim power over the dream. Some tribes even teach their children to do this- allowing the child to confront their nightmare and gain control over it.

I have tried this a few times myself- and have had some amazing insights with it! 'Attackers' are often trying to get your attention about something, and they can say things you never would have imagined.

This sounds like a very upsetting one- if nothing else 'acting out' seems to resolve it so that it doesn't reoccur.




Dear Piper!
As you probably guess, this dream is a summary of exactly what is going on in your life right now.
You are as a matter of speaking held hostage by that "other woman" ( you know the one I am thinking of)
You are protecting YOUR daughter from her greedy grasps...
A friend just recently got shot and now you ARE wondering if you are save behind bullet proof glass!!!
It sounds like a bad movie and the dream allerts you through the fear you felt, that this is real!

What concrete action can you take right now to reduce there stressors and unsavory elements in your inner circle?
What will be YOUR bullet proof glass that shelters you during the upcoming holydays and the inevitable stressors and tug of war that comes with that?
I am still worried !
Love and Strength

ana luisa


Elnor´s idea sounds great! I think I will try it with some of my very bizarre dreams. It´s true that motherhood brings with it all sorts of new fears. Overall I think your dream shows that you´re questioning yourself whether you will be able to really protect your child, to be strong enough to shield her from violence and danger. Apparently, you don´t feel quite sure about that. Even the box "may" not be bullet proof. You may also be feeling enclosed by what´s going on around you; I don´t blame you at all. I live in a violent city myself and God knows how hard it is sometimes to trust fate enough to let my 12-year-old out with his friends.
I was curious about something; how was your daughter reacting in the dream? Was she crying, frightened or peaceful?It seems like the dream was realy about YOU. she doesn´t seem to be in any danger.


Thank you everyone for writing.

Yes, I am trying to protect my daughter from "her". I think in the dream my daughter was pretty calm. All I remember is my fear, no fear from her. So, in the above situation, she really is calm IRL, she doesn't know the stress we go through with "her".
I'm going to try to at least write it out in my journal, now that I can see it from a more rational POV.