Well..Imma newbie...full of questions

isthmus nekoi


That'd be great if you can find that thread and link it up here cuz I can't remember a word I've said lol.

I took a look at your transits, and yes, you have the 2 trines, but what pops out to me is Uranus coming up to your natal sun. It's moving away b/c it's retrograde now, but you may have felt him approaching. This transit leaves things very unstable, esp b/c your natal sun is tightly opposing Jupiter/Mars (therefore when Uran touches your sun, it invariably effects Jupiter/Mars as well). This transit may activate issues regarding your home life, family/career or vocation (esp since Jup has just crossed your MC), as well as your financial situation. On top of that, Mars has just passed over, giving you the feeling of wanting to take action - and yet not being able to settle on a concrete plan.
Since you've said you haven't built up a career yet, these transits may have made you focus more on your future vocation and yet Uran and Mars there may indicate that you have been feeling antsy, or uncertain... possibly unwilling to make things concrete and yet, itching to do something!! If you're having trouble w/the job search take heart... I don't know what it's like where you live, but here in Toronto, it is just awful - everyone I know my age is having a lot of difficulty finding work... I can't remember a year this bad ever.

But to end on a better note, Saturn trining sun is a good thing, he's in 8th right now, he'll tone things down a notch, help you find somewhere to funnel the unease.


Thanks! All that is most definitely true. I can't remember a period of my life more horrific than now (and I guess I should consider myself lucky then)- demoralizing, ego shattering, etc. But, i'll try to be optimistic and hopeful that something will come through at some point before my morale dips too low- and with so much water I think I feel it more that say, my brothers or some of my friends. It is good to know things will get slightly better, I just have to hope they don't get worse.

isthmus nekoi

I certainly hope things do get better for you....!!!
just a word of caution though, Uranus will eventually have to turn direct (stop moving backwards), and when he does, he will conjunct your sun. But Mars won't be there anymore, he'll be aways away ^_^ The good thing about this aspect is, Uran will give you the impetus to change things, and I mean really change yourself for the better. Just don't get too impulsive :)


Hi, I looked up some data, and it turns out my Sun is in the 10th house for at least a few weeks. What does this mean?

isthmus nekoi

In short, 10th house matters will be your focus as it transits through, although I wouldn't place too much emphasis on this in terms of prediction. Check out any aspects it makes.


It's in each house for roughly a month - as Isthmus says you may be a little more work oriented than usual, though you probably won't notice much unless transiting Sun aspects your natal planets or angles.