Whachamacallit? II

Major Tom

jmd said:
In a thread now long gone and archived, Major Tom asked what to call ourselves - from tarot collectors to tarot readers to other tarot aficionados.

A number of terms are possible and, quite frankly, have yet to find one that I find personally acceptable.

Of the more 'popular' ones, tarotlogue is perhaps my preferred option - but even this falls far short of something that seems apt. As for 'tarotist', the word just doesn't 'click' for me.

So... any other suggestions?

The most common suggestions (with a couple of additional ones) seem to be:
  • tarotist (as in 'artist')
  • taroist (ibid)
  • tarotor (as in 'doctor')
  • taroteur (as in 'amateur')
  • tarotlogue (common French ending equivalent to both '-logist' and '-loger')
  • tarologer (as in 'astrologer')
  • tarotlogist (as in 'archaeologist')
  • tarotphile (as in 'bibliophile')

I'm glad to see this topic resurected Jean-Michel, and like you, I struggle even though I personally used tarotlogue for a few years.

The word 'tarotist' just grates on my ears.
Diane once told me that in her discussions with Kris Hadar they decided 'tarotlogist' was the appropriate English word.
I kind of like the sound of 'taroteur'.

jmd said:
I suppose I am personally struggling with all this as each decision we individually make may have longer term ramifications for not only ourselves, but others as well...

I struggle for the same reason. Our individual choices will eventually inform the choices of those who follow. There is an additional reason and this is the same reason I stopped using 'tarotlogue'.

The general public desiring readings don't know the meaning of any of the various options. For this reason alone I've more or less abandoned a single word and call myself a Tarot Reader.


I like taroist or taroista, but that's my primary languages showing - over here I think it would be met with a lot of blank stares.

Generally, it's 'I read cards' or sometimes 'cartomancer', because I do read non-tarot oracles.

Truthfully, the way it's worked out is that I mostly read oracles, and teach tarot. Usually the kind of tarot that readers like, because it's about aspects of tarot that aren't primarily reading-based, or if it is something reading-based it's in no way traditional - after death by a thousand 'does he really like me?' readings, people are often happy to take off that particular hat of an evening.

What was that 'Grand High Imperial Poobah-ess' one again? ;)

Tarot reader is probably the best you're going to get in English if you want to stay comprehensible and not pretentious. Titles like tarot master, tarot counsellour, tarot guide (theme park, anyone?) all rub me the wrong way. Tarot mistress could be interesting, but I wonder what kinds of solicitations that might bring?

The crowned one

As a title I am going to use "Magnatarotic" when refering to my craft : taroteur. I say this only half in jest.


Baroli said:
Tarot dude, or dudette.

This has to be my favourite so far: Tarot Dude

Tarot Poobah is most bodacious as befits my fine friend.

But why don't we infuse a bit of class: Tarot lady sounds good and since the majority of Poobah's are indeed ladies, I'm sure the menfolk won't mind one little bit:)


After reading through this thread, and contemplating the over cooked words that have been thought up, I think that tarot reader is to the point and is also universally accepted.


I just wish it were another word. Everything Taroist, etc. sounds a bit like Tart ! I guess the French Taroteur has the best sound to me. Also why the heck can't we use the T at the end. I always have to stop myself saying it that way. I guess the French version of the word lets you use the T !!!.


prudence said:
hmm, I see it's not been mentioned here yet, but I have always been fond of the term "Tarot Grand Poobah".

It has a quiet dignity to it, yes?

Forgive me but this sounds something too close to the KKK for me....

I agree with the person who stated it sounds too much like terrorist.


As for me I'm a tarot lover: I read, collect, and simply enjoy them. If no one else gets it I'm okay with that....I'm antisocial anyway.


on grand poobah

tabi said:
Forgive me but this sounds something too close to the KKK for me....
I think they use the terms grand wizard/imperial wizard.

The origin of "grand poobah" (or just plain "poobah") is much less sinister; it comes from the Mikado. There are lots of great titles from the Mikado, each with varying degrees of self importance. I also like Lord High Everything Else, and Groom of the Back Stairs.:D

If I were a man, I would seriously consider "Tarot Grand Poobah; Lord High Everything Else"....


Milfoil said:


I like it! Gives that sense of exploration, examination, movement, and wonder!