What are you currently awaiting in the mail?


I'm waiting for a New Vision from catlin too! I'm getting a bit anxious about it, 'cos it seems to have been in transit for a long time. I can't p-m catlin as her mail-box is always full and she won't answer my e-mails, so I'm not sure if she even received the Gita deck from me. So, if you read this, catlin, talk to me, please!

I did get a nice deck in the mail this week - the PoMo. Love it to bits!



it usually takes about a month for catlin's packages to come. she usually sends by water which takes about 6 weeks. air takes 2 to 3. so be patient. i think it'll come.


catlin's in Germany and I'm in England - it's not that much water to cross! :)

Rusty Neon

It depends on how strong a swimmer you are. :)

(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)


Animal Lords
(both Lo Scarabeo)


No decks (at the moment :D )
but I am awaiting 'Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom' by Rachel Pollack - just ordered it and its in the mail - sometimes Amazon surprises me with its speed lol


I just allow the Tarot compulsion 1 time per year and this year

was the time for: 1) Mansions of the Moon

2) Portal

3) Tarot of Prague

4) Gendrom

I've just spent all my Christmas money in them.

By the way I'm second guessing the Gendron now, does anybody
have it( opinions please), I choose it against the Spiral I guess
I have to wait another year to see if it was a good choice for me.


I am actually waiting for a book from Amazon.

Called the Story of Janet Harkinson by Melissa Dorai

Ok so it is a kids book... but it is written by a 12 year old bilingual girl that lives in Singapore, and I cannot wait to read it.
To be 12 years old and published! Amazing!


I was led astray this weekend with the tarot ordering.

Ordered the golden tarot by Kate Black.
Tarot and the tree of life by Isabel Kliegman
Tarot court cards by Kate Warwick-Smith

The plastic is burning! My excuse is it's an earlier xmas treat for me.



No excuses, Sharon. My friend told me recently that we work too hard for our money to feel guilty about enjoying it also!