What card am I?


Hello, perhaps I’m still new to this place, so not all of you might have noticed that I’m quite nerdy/dorky, mostly back into tarot because of a video game (which is awesome and well written and does adapt Tarot nearly perfectly).
One question keeps bothering me: What is my Arcana? What card could I identify with? I seem to be able to pull it off with some of my friends and find a card that suits them perfectly, but as for myself, it’s tough!

Is there any way to tell for sure what card could represent me or ehhh is it not that simple?


Hi Farel,

You could start by looking at your Significator based on your Zodiac sign and/or your Personality and Soul Cards. (See post 3 in the Table of Contents - All About Reading sticky note at the top of the forum.)

If none of those resonate with you, I'd suggest looking through the Majors one by one and picking out the one(s) that resonate with you. If you get more than one, keep reducing the number until you have one or two Majors. That would be your Major. Of course the Major that resonates with you today could be completely different from the Major that resonates with you next week or next month.



my digits sum up to 9, cant find anything related to zodiac, but this means Hermit..... I am a loner and I want to go to Germany to find my true self.... hmmm not sure



See this post which lists the Golden Dawn Major Arcana associations and rulers for various time frames throughout the year.

My numbers also end up with the Hermit, but according to that chart, I'm a Hierophant and Empress, both of which have relevance to my life.



Death Judgment KW 7C 13-22 Nov

Oho....... Death... again.... woah Judgment? but now that I look at it, it does mean a NEW LIFE and ANSWERS to questions, so guess this does represent what I look for.

King of Wands does a bit represent my chance of getting there where I want.

Seven of Cups... oh I so often get this card argh and I never know if my overthinking is meant with it or what...


Another way to look at it when you get any of those cards for your own readings is that they're "your" cards, and therefore they might be saying, "that's just the way you are" or "you know you have a tendency to think instead of do", etc. You can think of those cards as the tarot's way of giving you a head's up.



Well I can certainly say that Death (upright) and the 7 of cups (reversed) constantly keep showing up in my readings. they must be related somehow


Often "your" card isn't a major arcana. Mine is the Queen of Swords, and I've never had any Major that I identified with. O know someone who is the nine of pentacles - this is her card, and it always comes up to mean her in a reading. Soemtimes you can ask the cards themselves for suggestions. Shuffle the deck, lay out a card, and then lay three cards to tell you about why that first is of meaning for you. This may work, but I have found it is more that over time, the specific cards that refer to specific people keep coming up in context.


Farel said:
Hello, perhaps I’m still new to this place, so not all of you might have noticed that I’m quite nerdy/dorky, mostly back into tarot because of a video game (which is awesome and well written and does adapt Tarot nearly perfectly). <snip> ...

ooo What video game?

Signed, a fellow gamer


Shin Megami Persona 3 and also Persona 4

the teacher teaching tarot

what would I give to have this deck

and of course, the battle against the Hierophant and Lovers shadows... representing the reversed cards

Also this one contains SPOILERS as it shown the final battle, but this video was what made me bu the game