what do you guys think of this system of reading


I have given this some thought over the last day as I went along and did my everyday thing. I watched that video twice (and a few others by Talon) and as I am a regular Celtic Cross reader and I use the Rider Waite, I found it rather interesting. This is my analysis, so this post is longer than I would have liked it to be... I waffle, same like he does in his video... haha...

To me, doing what he did with the Court Cards, shows what is commonly seen, a bit of a hard time figuring the Court cards.. Nothing unusual about that... He is quite clever really, he has overcome this dilema by throwing those extra cards over the courts which then become clarifiers.. clariying cards... I don't usually use claryfying cards, but I can see where there could be occassion where doing this can be quite useful.

The CCross is quite a comprehensive spread and has a lot of information without really needing extra cards added in to clarify... Nevertheless, I tried his way quite a few times. After a while, it became quite distracting. So many extra cards which were really just clarifiers, seemed to act like blockers, making it much harder to see the whole picture the CC was saying..... They got in the way in that they drew extra focus, attention and time to the Courts, almost to the expense of the other cards in the spread. So....

So, then my brain went tick... tick... tick.. think.... and mark my words, that doesn't happen often these days.... As a result, I decided to change the order of things a bit and again, did this quite a few times.... I did the CC spread in the usual way and got my overall reading... Then if there was a Court card, I would then as I was reading in more depth, lay the clarifying cards over that for more insight as to whether it is representing a person (as in, additional information about the person) or if it was a situation.

My conclusion is, if I were to use this method I would modify it. Lay the CCross as per usual, read the cards and only add clarifying cards on the courts as I go along, and then, only if I felt I needed more information about the Courts. Meaning, that not all court cards would have additional clarifers added to them.

The thing is, that by throwing the extra cards as you lay the CCross spread, in my mind, you are balking the flow of the Cross. That's just a personal feeling.. It interrupts the flow and order and I found that a bit distrubing. By adding the extras afterwards made it simpler, more effective. That way, you can be consistent in the way you lay the Cross and not get stuck into a position where you have to think to yourself everytime you lay the Cross.... This time I'll do the Cross the usual way with no extra cards, this time I think I will add extra clariyfing cards to the courts on the Cross as I deal the cards out...

As for the Oracle bit... well, I don't read Oracles, can't quite get my head around having a Tarot reading being clarified with Oracle cards. To me, that changes things quite considerably. Personally, I wouldn't do this, but if I needed those extra cards to clarify the last 4 positions of the Cross, I would just lay extra Tarot cards alongside them. Using Oracles together with a Tarot reading makes me feel like it is no longer just Tarot.



to answer: what do I think of this system of reading:

It is interesting in a lot of ways...and...

Just wondering...if he is 21 and was born in 1988, does that make him an Indigo child?... they are very psychic.

I think he is correct in saying that Tarot is his 1st passion, and I feel that he
has a deeper connect to his subscious mind through the tarot than a lot of
people on here might think.

I have a feeling that he is deeply involved in doing and sharing readings,
especially within his peer group. And they live, eat, and breathe the tarot as
well as other metaphysical subjects...on a daily basis. I also feel that there is
less ego involved with this person and that it is actually coming from his heart.:heart:

My own psychic feelings say: I like him :thumbsup:...he is refreshing...
...and I like his method of reading the celtic cross (with the "double" cards...
...doesn't matter what you call them...but it is fine if it works for someone)


tarotlyn said:
I think he is correct in saying that Tarot is his 1st passion, and I feel that he
has a deeper connect to his subscious mind through the tarot than a lot of
people on here might think.
I totally agree. He has figured out ways which for him, overcome some of the more common dilemas which quite a number people have, (and still have after doing Tarot for years) when reading the cards... That's one heck of an achievement and more than most will ever figure out.. From his method, I was able to learn and devise my own way of doing similar if I ever did get stuck on a Court card...

I would say, with a few modifications, you could do similar with the Courts in any spread or any deck of Tarot cards if you were that way inclined... Who says the young have nothing to teach?



Bernice said:
Originally Posted by canid
Erm, 'she' is a 'he'. I'm pretty sure.

Edited to add: I'm going to try this system, I think I'll like it, but won't know for sure till I try. It's interesting, regardless.

That's what I thought! (Kept trying to see the 'adams apple' .......)
<a bit sharply> If she identifies as a woman, she's a woman, end of story. Who are we to judge? You have no idea where she's been and what her life's been like.

Remember your legally defined EEO principles. They (should) apply to life as well as to work.


No time to watch this vid again - but I don't recall the reader giving any indication of gender except by some rather fine hair - which could be worn by anyone. We are all going by appearances here rather than by self-identification aren't we ?

I agree with nisaba in principle about EEO etc, but in practice, I think the only issue here is what pronoun to use when trying to refer to this particular individual. I wonder if there is actually anywhere that s/he actually says ?

I do know a woman with a beard and at least two with what would appear to be adam's apples.....


I never really thought at the time about how he identified himself.. He just looked like a he to me, and I never got any other impression otherwise from the searches I did about him at the time when I watched this video clip. After I watched this, I went into his youtube profile to see what other videos he had up and watched a couple of those too.

In his profile he had a link to his myspace page which I went into where he identifies himself as a male. Bummer was, his myspace page is set on private for only his friends.



Either way, none of this distracts on how he reads Tarot...



OK - so if he identifies HIMSELF as male on myspace I guess we call him a he ? It matters not to me, except that I do like correct grammar.....

GREAT hair ! I want !


Discovered where Talon announces his birth gender. It's in the vid "5 Things About Me". His mum was going to call him Jason, but changed her mind and called him Talon.

nisaba: No need for you to respond so sharply!
I have no problem with who a person chooses to be - or even off-planet aliens. Take 'em as you find 'em I say. However, He looked liked a girl - but came across as a fellow. (And I knew he wasn't from off-planet).



I just saw the video but I am not too sure of the point he is trying to make though, Im confused :confused: I know a lot of us here use oracles and tarot together often, myself included and I know many of us dont "get" the courts so we pull clarifiers....uhm....unless this is a video about the CC which I dont use :confused:

maybe its too early for me to get anything :joke:


Pao said:
I just saw the video but I am not too sure of the point he is trying to make though, Im confused :confused: I know a lot of us here use oracles and tarot together often, myself included and I know many of us dont "get" the courts so we pull clarifiers....uhm....unless this is a video about the CC which I dont use :confused:
I don't think it's anything to do with just using the CC, you could do the same with any spread if you wanted to. It's the way he has set up the cards that makes it different. Instead of just laying out the CC spread (you could do the same with any spread) and then pulling clarifyers out afterwards if he wants more information (clarification) on the Courts.... He is laying out those extra cards as he is laying out the CCross, but only on the Courts...

Those clarifying (extra) cards over the Courts, are read together with the Court card as being only one card, not read as seperate extra cards... Those extra cards would probably be more in the line of attributes (an extra quality or trait or chacteristic) that court has. Thus it's more like he is expanding on the Court card by seeing what the court card is up to (or is doing or going through) in that particular reading.

Example, if you pulled the Knight of Wands and the card on top was the Six of Swords, you would just for argument's sake, read that not only in the usual way, but you would also add in something like that the Knight is also leaving a bad situation. Whatever...

But on the other hand.. if you wanted to, you could just as easily lay the Six of Swords on that Knight of Wands after you do the reading to clarify what that Knight person is about. Then yeah, I see your point... How is that any different than what many already do???
