What is the purpose of laying out a spread?


And if you're interested in the flow between the cards, read Deborah Lipp's book Tarot Interactions. It has many great ideas about understanding the pattnerns and directions of a reading :) (I noticed that I do many of the things she describes intuitively or half-way - it's a good learning resource IMO for readers of every level).

page of wands

And if you're interested in the flow between the cards, read Deborah Lipp's book Tarot Interactions. It has many great ideas about understanding the pattnerns and directions of a reading :) (I noticed that I do many of the things she describes intuitively or half-way - it's a good learning resource IMO for readers of every level).

alright. thank you. i just ordered a book about reversals. so much stuff to learn! this is great. :)


I think there are lots of good reasons to use a spread, from helping to focus your mind, to aiding memory with visual stimulation to imbuing extra meanings in patterns.

I like to choose a spread that appeals to me/querent/question and very often make up my own when I want specific details. I did a reading at weekend and created a "what do you want" spread for the querent, it ended with Qu Wands (don't want) wistfully gazing at the back of the 3 wands (want), the querent was struggling with whether or not to leave a relationship to go travelling overseas indefinitely/become nomadic.

At a querent's request I did a celtic cross (cc) though I rarely use it myself, here the middle card was surrounded by the most cheerful of the cups, without even interpreting the individual cards, the picture was striking.

My conclusion is I like some spreads, I don't care for others & when I don't find one I like, I make up my own, thats the beauty of tarot, do what feels right to you!

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I think there are lots of good reasons to use a spread, from helping to focus your mind, to aiding memory with visual stimulation to imbuing extra meanings in patterns.

I like to choose a spread that appeals to me/querent/question and very often make up my own when I want specific details. I did a reading at weekend and created a "what do you want" spread for the querent, it ended with Qu Wands (don't want) wistfully gazing at the back of the 3 wands (want), the querent was struggling with whether or not to leave a relationship to go travelling overseas indefinitely/become nomadic.

At a querent's request I did a celtic cross (cc) though I rarely use it myself, here the middle card was surrounded by the most cheerful of the cups, without even interpreting the individual cards, the picture was striking.

My conclusion is I like some spreads, I don't care for others & when I don't find one I like, I make up my own, thats the beauty of tarot, do what feels right to you!

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I often create my own spreads to fit specific circumstances, but because I'm retired and have lots of time to spend on it, I've created a catalogue of ready-made spreads that I can just pull out to suit the area of concern. They fall naturally into a few categories: Decision-making, Problem-solving, Relationships, Work and Business, General Life-reading, Health and Happiness, etc. And I'm always creating new ones. But in public reading, I tend to rely on a handful of tried-and-true spreads that are flexible enough to cover nearly all circumstances while still being brief enough to squeeze into short sessions. That's a much of an art as getting the right components in the spread.