What Tarot Deck are you using now? 2014

Le Fanu

Haindl. Getting to grips with the courts when they crop up in my daily draws. Such a powerful deck. Why don't I use this deck more?


Bonding a bit with my Robin Wood Tarot (love it, very earthy readings even if the deck is a bit 'shy'), and my Rabbit Tarot :love:


It depends on the day... or the hour... :)

I've been slowly learning the Thoth but have taken a little break the past few weeks. Playing around with a Marseilles style deck - Le Tarot Noir, Grey Skies Edition. Dipping in and out of the Mary - El as it calls to me. I did a very strong reading with it this evening. Looking at / learning about the Wooden Tarot and El Gran Tarot Esoterico, both of which arrived in the mail this week.

I do the same with tarot that I do with books, read a little here, a little there...


Dithering a bit between Mystical Cats and Victorian Fairies; I didn't do much with tarot at all this summer, despite all the recent acquisitions. But it's almost time for the Halloween! Or maybe I'll spend some time with the Quantum, as I originally intended to do in August...


I have been using all of my decks, but mostly tarot Nova the past couple of weeks.


Roots of Asia still has me enthralled.


Crowley Thoth - keep coming back to this, and feeling fresher as always.

ana luisa

Dame Fortune's Wheel. It's been puzzling me for months now.