What to include in a flyer?


Hi all,
I'm trying to design a flier advertising my tarot reading service in a coffee shop, but I don't know what kind of information to include in it. I want to sound professional but not too phony. Any advice?


Well, how detailed do you want to get?

You could have a small section that is kind of an "About Me" type of thing, and maybe even have a little section about what tarot is to you, how it works, why people should do it, then obviously your contact info, business hours, etc.


Definitely have a really good head shot. Clip art graphics or pics of tarot cards won't do as much to connect you with the viewer as a really great pic of you smiling confidently out from the page.


Thanks for the helpful advice! :)


Yes! I was looking at a reader's page on web recently, and she was standing slightly sideways to the camera, arms folded across her chest and scowling slightly! wow, talk about not inviting or friendly!


To me, the most important thing is to talk about the querent. How can they benefit from a tarot reading? What are they going to get out of it? You might want to mention the kinds of questions it will benefit them to ask or not ask—especially if you have a style where this will make a difference. And, that's another thing: People might want to know what is tarot (or a tarot reading) and what your own approach is and experience. And price/time/appt or not/contact info/availability, etc.

Despite all of the above, I suggest simplicity.

Do not mention that you are 85% right, etc. — tacky!


***Bullet points (to keep it simple but informative) of how your readings can assist the querent, costs/time, relevant experience/a testimonial or two (brief) and definitely a photo clearly showing your eyes... I looked at adverts in a local spiritual magazine, because I advertised my own deck in it, and there were many readers... if I couldn't make eye contact with their image I felt no connection at all... and if they were obviously trying to hard to look all-knowing, or mysterious, they also invited a giggle instead of an interest... Just be honest, be yourself, and, thinking about what you would enjoy from a reader (or any service provider) state what you can offer with integrity and humility. Good Fortune to you, Linh


I took everyone's advice into consideration for the flyer. Thank you :)


Linh said:
I'm trying to design a flier advertising my tarot reading service in a coffee shop, but I don't know what kind of information to include in it.
Contact details or the location of your velue are a huge priority. Don't laugh - I recently picked up an advertising fridge-magnet for a service I needed and referred to it later, to find that it was ONLY the business name and logo, and no contact details at all! They didn't get my business.


nisaba said:
Contact details or the location of your velue are a huge priority. Don't laugh - I recently picked up an advertising fridge-magnet for a service I needed and referred to it later, to find that it was ONLY the business name and logo, and no contact details at all! They didn't get my business.
That happened to me once too, nisaba, and it was frustrating as they would've definitely gotten my business as well.

I also suggest that for your flyer you keep it simple. Be sure to include contact information and hours. Its can be frustrating if your hours are not included because then if someone wants a reading they have to call first to find out your hours. People today are in a hurry-they don't want to have to make many calls to get what they need/want. Good Luck!