Wheel of fortune as a person?


how would you describe the wheel of fortune as a person? Maybe as a person with experience in life, wise, who has gone through ups and downs and knows the meaning of success and failure. maybe a person you have karmic ties with? or a past life with? someone who can see things from different angles and views. (I am reading with my spiral currently) I guess a bad side would be a bi-polar person? :joke:


This card came up for me today. I took it to mean ups and downs, running hot and then running cold, being stuck in a rut, unable to break loose from repetitive cycles, someone whose life is in flux... that kind of thing.


Could also be someone very successful who is down to earth and unaffected, or someone going through hard times who still has their dignity. It's the whole idea of not being thrown by the ups and downs of life, being grounded, remaining yourself no matter what's going on externally; and meeting others the same way, spirit to spirit (without status judgments).


My first reaction was someone who runs hot and cold, so I guess that fits in with being Bi-polar. You other interpretations all make sense too. In contrast to the self-made man that you described, I guess another "reversed" interpretation of the card would be someone who has problems handling their finances - they get money and in a few days it's all gone and then they have to get by until the next bit of money comes in.



All those make sense. Could be someone respectfully stuck in a cycle, sometimes almost as if on puppet strings. Maybe feeling like someone is running their life or they're being controlled by a feeling they aren't in control of. I see the Bi-polarness as well.



My first thought was a happy-go-lucky person.


I've often associated this Major with someone who can recognize an opportunity and a pattern in life. If ill-dignified, then a person who suffers from bad timing or overlooks said opportunities.

Shakespeare quote:

There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
Julius Caesar IV, iii, 217


Pao , you asked WoF as a person but as most here have implied it's the persons charactor traits. Its also a Major , again that leads to traits .


yea i dont know i am confused by it. i get the bipolar aspect of it but cant seem to find the positive aspects of the person per se. successful and such maybe but i dont know...


Hi Pao,
Another possible Wheel of Fortune 'person' is someone who just runs around in circles instead of actually going anywhere in life. Just a thought. Enjoy.