Where do you store your tarot cards?


I would be *very* interested in how Gregory stores those -er- few decks ...


My very first deck is in a wooden box...everything else is either in bags (that I purchased since I do not sew) or in their original boxes. I have a bookshelf with one shelf dedicated to my cards. My collection is not too bad yet, so one shelf can make it! :)


All of my reading decks are in a bamboo box on my altar in my bedroom. Right now, I guess those amount to my favorite decks because my only "reading deck" at the moment is the tarot of the four elements. The decks that I have trimmed are stored in bags made from the scraps of cloth leftover from sewing clothes. They are in bags for purely practical reasons: they no longer fit snugly in their boxes. The decks that I haven't trimmed are in their boxes.

The Four Elements is in a special box on the top of my altar that I use for storing my reading deck of the moment.

And the rest of my decks, the decks that I will offload at some point are stored in a drawer in my closet, because that is the only place I had room to store them. :)


my main deck I store in a deck bag that "spoke" to me-- I keep it by my bed. The other decks I have I keep in my alter. :)


I have a small wooden table thats about a foot off the ground, my grandparents owned it for about 60 years it holds everything incense candles and my decks. I also recently started to use a rainbow wool piece of material I acquired from my favourite record shop to cover the table while I do readings


I think I posted these previously on another thread???
But anyway here they are again. This is a Jewellry cabinet which I ripped up and inserted these customized panels. I use it to store crystals, small wands and other such items as well as a small collection of mainly limited edition tarot decks.


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OMG....WOW!!!!!!! That is one of the most awesome things I have ever seen! Did you paint that, or decoupage...or....??

Oh my. :bugeyed:




absolutely stunning Ciro!

that is to be treasured for sure



cirom said:
I think I posted these previously on another thread???
But anyway here they are again. This is a Jewellry cabinet which I ripped up and inserted these customized panels. I use it to store crystals, small wands and other such items as well as a small collection of mainly limited edition tarot decks.

Oh! That took my breath away!!! Consider coming up with storage products that matches your decks!

I'm so ashamed...My decks are sitting all over my room in their cardboard boxes. A stack of unfinished drawstring bags sits untouched on my desk. My tarot project started with deck collection, then it morphed into bag-collection, and now, I'm stuck at beautifying my drawstring bags with little charms and quirky beads.

Let's hope I get down to finishing beading soon. My decks look naked :p
Poor decks...

Miss Divine

I keep some on my bookshelf, others by the computer, and a few in a wicker basket in my bedroom;)