Where have you found a lost card or deck?

Glass Owl

This morning I was getting ready to sit down next to my daughter on the sofa when I noticed a speck of black underneath the sofa. It was the corner of one of my cards--the Prince of Wands from my Manga Tarot deck. I must have dropped it last night and I had no idea! I'm sooo glad that I noticed it because I hate to think what my daughter or the cats would have done to it if it had stayed under there much longer.

This got me to thinking. Many people have lost cards/decks and some are never found. There is even a thread for people to replace lost or damaged cards. But for those of you who have found a card (or deck) that had gone missing where did it finally turn up? How long did it take you to find it? Do you attach any significance to the particular card or deck that went missing or why it disappeared in the first place?


I found a few cards hiding by the side of my computer desk. Must've knocked them there after reading by my computer.


In my scanner and inside of books as page markers....


I just found one under my computer, on the floor.

I didn't even realize it was missing! :eek:


my younger sister found my missing unicorn tarot deck inside the toybox!

Now I owe her $10 for finding it >_<


Like Lark, I've found cards in the scanner before.


I've done full readings then found that I've actually left cards in the box - Also cards used as bookmarks and I didn't realise they were missing.


My specialty is in the boxes of other decks..... Which in my case is a seriously bad idea.... :eek:

Also in the scanner....


*giggle* I was vacuuming my bed room once and discovered the Empress card from my Tarot of a Moon Garden under my bed head.


Missing cards are always found in my scanner, it's seems to have become my extra storage device... the problem is I usually didn't notice a card was missing until I was going to scan something else and sometimes find an entire spread.

Missing decks usually fall between the crack between the mattress and the headboard... so they stay missing along time and discovered when I have to get something else I was looking for. It's not that I have that many decks, but I seem to only use the same ones all the time, so if one goes missing, I often don't notice it. My side of the bed is my secret stash place for hiding gifts, storing shoes, a box of rocks & other beach treasures, books I've read, matte board and whatever else gets pushed underneath... so I never know what I might find that I stashed and forgot about. I just found an earring tonight that I'd been looking the last month for.
P.S. there is no room for dust bunnies.