which cards will make my garden grow?


I'm planting an aromatic/medicine herb garden - for now, perennials that will thrive in the Mediterranean autumn and winter (not that cold here) - and in early spring, I'll plant more seasonal herbs.

I want to manifest good growth and vitality for my garden - and for me, in a way ;) (I am new to this region) - which cards would you choose for that purpose? The Empress and...? (Ace of Pentacles? 3 of Wands?)


I would think the 7 Pentacles and 9 Pentacles since in RWS-based decks there are people in beautiful gardens in each of the cards.


The Empress and ... the Sun for growth or the Moon for attunment with nature's cycles? :)


The Wheel of Fortune? So that your seeds will go full circle, growing into the beautiful plants they are meant to be. The cycle starts all over again when they produce more seeds.

le fey

I'd go for the Sun, the Empress (good ol' Mother Nature) and the Ace of Wands because the fire element of Wands includes not just burning fire but the regenerative 'spark of life' (hence the way wands are often portrayed as living branches) and aces are the seeds.


The Star, the Moon, the Sun​
above the
the Page of Bastons, the Ace of Bastons, and the Page of Coins​


As it's a medicine herb garden, why not the Empress and the Magician (who is often the "doctor" of the tarot)?


Magician, Empress, Strength, Sun, 3 wands, 3 pents, Queen pents


The title of your thread attracted me, as recently I saw the 9 of Pentacles from the Renaissance Tarot as being "how does your garden grow" and the answer being "pretty damn fine" :)

I'd also go with the Moon as most gardening books seem to really take into account the phases of the Moon for times to do various things in the garden, from planting to weeding.

Another thought was the Ace of Pentacles, especially if you are planting seeds, if it is seedlings then maybe not so much. Or maybe that is really a card for pruning hmmm, cutting it all back, to encourage new growth.

I long to start a herb garden myself, but for more culinary purposes. Nothing like fresh herbs! Best of luck with your garden! :)


I like the three of wands in the DruidCraft.

Also, some suggestions... plant between the new moon and the full moon. As the Moon grows, the seed grows. Throw some ground oatmeal in the soil, it's better than sand for aeration and provides first food. Plant marigolds(calendula) under the puple cone flowers(echinachea). The marigolds will keep the aphids away from the coneheads.:) Hh