Which queen has it all together?


If I were to say "wow, this womas has it all together", what court card would be representative of that in your opinion and why?


Queen of Pentacles popped straight into my head so I'm going with that. She seems to be the kind of person who has everything together and can see things for what they are. I imagine her to be down to earth, practical but at the same time thoughtful and wise.


Thank you Jade! My thoughts echo yours. Plus, the queen of pentacles has been popping up for me all over the place in terms of friendship readings. Hmmm.


In my head the same queen appeared when I read the question! Always on time, perfectly organized household, cupboards full of home made marmelade, and all her socks have a partner. When nobody knows what to do, she finds a way. She's pragmatic but not boring, doesn't shy from hardship and doesn't complain about the inevitable. Her children, partner, colleagues are happy. So is she, the wonderful Queen of Pentacles.


Thank you for your insight, Nemia! Love the details, as it helps me to visualize a real person.


If I were to say "wow, this womas has it all together", what court card would be representative of that in your opinion and why?

I think all the Queens "have it all together" in some shape or form, but when I read your question, I immediately thought of the Queen of Swords. I was thinking along the lines of logical, nothing floors her, she cuts through the rubbish to get to the core, and there isn't much that she can't handle. She's quick minded, intelligent, analytical, strong willed and extremely capable and is able to detach herself from a situation or problem in order to find the best solution. An executive or a matriarch. She runs a house like a well oiled machine too. :)


I would think Queen of Rods. She possesses so much energy and drive that it makes me think that she is great at multi-tasking and conquering any obstacle she might face.

Girl Archer

Wouldn't you think every upright Queen has it together, with the additional strength of her own suit backing her? Like the infallible logic and planning of the Queen of Swords or the zeal and drive of the Queen of Wands, as someone else mentioned here? The absolute hands-on, practical nature of the Queen of Pentacles or the Queen of Cups who is so in tune with her own emotions as well as intuitive Higher Self and that of those around her, she is able to act accordingly?


Yes, Girl Archer. That does seem like the most balanced view. They are queens for a reason, after all!


Definitely Queen of Swords for me! I feel like she is intelligent, communicative and self-confident. To me, she is also the only queen that can live independently. She doesn't necessarily need a man because she is strong enough to be on her own.