Why do you come here?

Why do you come here?

  • 1. I come here to talk and listen about Tarot and nobody laughs at me here

    Votes: 38 43.7%
  • 2. I am lonely and Tarot fills the empty space

    Votes: 11 12.6%
  • 3. I am learning Tarot

    Votes: 49 56.3%
  • 4. I just like to talk a lot and here is a lot of people to engage with

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • 5. I have nothing else to do

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • 6. I have so much Tarot knowledge, I need to share it or it will be a waste

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • 7. I just like all strange and hidden things, it makes me shiver, gives me thrills, so I come here

    Votes: 11 12.6%
  • 8. The [Tarot] community is what matters to me most

    Votes: 18 20.7%
  • 9. I love Tarot and sharing this love here is what brings me here

    Votes: 65 74.7%
  • 10. I hate Tarot and come here for a good laugh

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 11. Other (please explain)

    Votes: 5 5.7%

  • Total voters


Why do you come here?

I do because of 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 .


I'm a bit obvious I guess. I am still learning Tarot, but even after saying this I wonder if this experience will ever stop. I somewhat doubt it. When I look at the professions I'm more skilled in then in the eyes of others I'm a "pro". How nice. But to me I feel that I am still learning, but that much and when looking at a timescale of, say, a month then the learning curve is slowly becoming shallow but I am still learning new things every now and then.

As for the rest.. Sharing experiences with others and, here we go again, learning from other experiences. Most of all I guess that its a very good place to dump my experiences, feelings and impressions while knowing that a majority will pick them up in the way they were meant. Most others who aren't really interested are likely to have enough decency to kindly ignore the posting as a whole.

Last, but not least, I find fun and amusement in writing up my own experiences and it really stimulates me when hearing from others who sometimes tell me that reading my ideas and thoughts actually helped them to form their own. Which is, IMO, in the end the sole reason. Helping each other and sharing the fun.


1, 3 and 9

learning is the biggest reason, lately I come in here a lot and just read as much as I can.... I don't participate a lot though, If I don't have something really good to say then I don't say anything at all.

The Hanged Man

4, 6 and 9. :)


I chose 3, 8 and 9. I'll always be learning. I'm sure there's never going to come a day when I feel I've learned all there is to learn. And AT is the main place I can come and share with others with the same interest in Tarot.


I chose 9 because that just about sums it up. It is a never ending source of fascination and interest. All the forums are wonderful and I enjoy Divination and Spirituality a lot.

Indigo Rose

I voted on #11...I guess because there were several items on the poll that communicate my love of coming on AT.

***The people here are great! There is a lot of diversity of thought on Tarot, Spirituality, and life.

***AT is a place to learn, to share, and explore some of the most interesting topics.

***AT is a place where mutual respect makes learning and sharing fun.

***Despite our diversity we all share one big thing in common: TAROT!



I voted #s 1,8,9,11 :)

1. If they were interested, I wouldn't care if people laughed. But tarot as a subject (not an activity or an occasion of sin) is not something that comes up in small talk around here. Nice to be able to visit a place where it does.

11. If #2 had been "I am still or always learning tarot" I would have checked that answer. However, #2 as it stands seems to refer to those beginning their study of tarot. I also learn about decks and where to find them, other people's experiences with reading and learning, community lore, history and the like.


I came here ostensibly to learn about tarot, enjoyed the folks I met, the good humour, and the occasional bit of history or philosophy, then fell in the hefalump trap with the cosmic toaster, and have been unable to extricate myself since.