Why is he picking on me?


Hello :)

I did a reading last night to try and clarify why someone at work seems to be picking on me slightly. Thankfully he's not an immediate work colleague, but just someone who I sometimes see in the corridor.

I used the cosmic tarot and had no particular layout - just 3 cards.

1) Why is he behaving in this way? ~ The World

This is the one that I'm stuck on..I don't quite understand what the card is trying to tell me - the most I've managed to get is that maybe he thinks the world revolves around him, or that he is somehow powerful or deserving of everyone's attention?

2) How should I react? ~ Temperance

I need to stay calm and take a measured and balanced approach. I'm not the sort to react with anger so no problems there. I had been thinking about telling my manager but maybe I shouldn't for now - it's not bullying or anything, just making me a bit uncomfortable with his attitude.

3) What will the outcome be? ~ Judgement

If I keep my cool etc then he'll get what he deserves in some way or another.

Thank you xx


;) He is apparently not so conscious minded and perhaps he feels that he has the world on his shoulders. (It makes me think of that phrase) Perhaps he has issues, and also obviously anyone picking on someone like this has issues to begin with in the first place! So yes stay balanced and the bigger person. :p


I think you've got a great outcome waiting for you so sitting on it will do you good.

I'm not too sure about the World either - but I'm still learning.
Since it's about achievement, maybe he thinks he's better than everyone else? Or, as Yora says, feels he has the World on his shoulders. Either way could explain him being condescending.

But looks like the situation will sort itself out. The cards show karma's on its way!


cosmic_bubble said:
I did a reading last night to try and clarify why someone at work seems to be picking on me slightly.

1) Why is he behaving in this way? ~ The World

2) How should I react? ~ Temperance

3) What will the outcome be? ~ Judgement
Temperance is in the middle, so there is a strong suggestion to not react, to keep calm and realize that the problem is his, not yours.

I think you need to observe, and maybe quietly ask questions (not relating it to these incidents) about him and try and get some background. You may not have enough knowledge, he may do this to several people.

The World for him could, in this context, mean that he wants to appear as a 'bigger deal' than he actually is. Small people put others down to feel bigger themselves. It could be about image, from his point of view.

Judgment as outcome is not the same Justice btw. You are going to get through this and past it. He may very well not get his just desserts, at least not right now.


I come from a long line of 'pickers', 'kidders', 'jokers'.
What do you mean by 'picking on you'?

My people, if most don't like you, they do not pick on you. Actually give you no notice at all, but if they like you they will pick on you, joke with you...

I'm not sure what you mean here.
Is he mean, hateful???

You only see him in the hallways, if he's hateful, well that's one thing.
But perhaps if it's not down right hateful, he may just come from a long line of pickers, kidders or jokers.

*just my take*
When you did this reading, did you use just the majors, or a whole deck?
I'm assuming the whole deck.
The cards here are all good elements, and I see no meaness in them.

1) Why is he behaving in this way? ~ The World
Maybe you remind him of his brother, or a cousin...something relating to 'his world'.

2) How should I react? ~ Temperance
Good natured about the situation, patient, understanding...

3) What will the outcome be? ~ Judgement
A better understanding of the situation and person as a whole...

*just a thought*

Go buy a small brown paper bag, and fill it with some candy, maybe either write a note or buy a Halloween card, put it in with the candy, staple shut.
When passing him in the hallway, pass it off to him.

I just checked your profile, your a gal!
He's got a crush!
Give him the bag of candy!


hmmm, I see - if world represents someone, that he might feel superior. Someone, who has been there done that, knows it all and can therefore be a bit patronizing, in general - to many people.

Might that fit?


Yesh, it doesn't make it alright at all ofcourse, it is good to feel good about yourself but not too try and let others feel less! That is all his own pityfull issue. ;)



He wants to flirt with you but does not know how !


:p ewww then he really is clueless. (plus they are not in kindergarten but it is at work!)


Well, Maybe, but how old are they?
Remember in school how the little boys would just come up and knock the crap out of ya?
That was their way of flirting...

Clueless can be cute...