Would You Continue To Read Tarot Even If It Aged You?

Would you continue to read tarot even if it physically aged you?

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Laura asked....

I'm very curious what prompted this question. ;)

LOL! I'll tell you....

So I'm home at my mom and dad's house on vacation trying to enjoy my down time when my mother tries to feed me some BS that divining ages us. :joke: I know she just wants me to put the cards down for awhile but I couldn't help it as my dad kept asking me questions! Well, it pissed me off kinda but the truth is, I can't help but wonder if we are receiving knowledge from the cards that it would normally take others normal amounts of time to receive. Are we speeding up the aging process by reading tarot or doing any other divination?


This should have been a poll! :joke:

******ETA***** When I first got to this thread the poll must not have been attached! I have voted since! :p

I would continue to read as normal, even if it noticeably aged me physically.

At my age - a year here or there isn't going to change things! :thumbsup:


It is a poll!

Laura Borealis

I'm very curious what prompted this question. ;)



This was my first time posting a poll so I'm going to grab this post and place it at the top..

Laura Borealis

Laura asked....

LOL! I'll tell you....

So I'm home at my mom and dad's house on vacation trying to enjoy my down time when my mother tries to feed me some BS that divining ages us. :joke: I know she just wants me to put the cards down for awhile but I couldn't help it as my dad kept asking me questions! Well, it pissed me off kinda but the truth is, I can't help but wonder if we are receiving knowledge from the cards that it would normally take others normal amounts of time to receive. Are we speeding up the aging process by reading tarot or doing any other divination?

I have never heard that divining ages us - do you think she made that up? Or is it a known superstition and maybe I've just never heard of it? Hmm!

I can't believe that it ages us physically, but yeah, I think it can give us knowledge that would take others longer to get. Though partly that's because we're deliberately seeking it. And I'm sure there are other ways to speed up knowledge acquisition.

For the poll, I had to go with once in a blue moon. I wouldn't want to appear older each time I read tarot (sounds like the premise of a good story, though.) I'm not stuck on looking young - I'm well past that, and there's no going back! :p But I wouldn't want to be a wizened crone before my time. I'd rather earn that with the passing years.


What a question!

I voted that I'd continue as normal. I don't read masses n masses anyway. But I must admit I wasn't sure which question I was answering... if it made me look older than I am, I wouldn't mind. If it made me *actually* older - every reading takes six months off your lifespan? - I doubt I'd be prepared to risk it! lol

I agree, great premise for a story. What if it only worked on some people and not others? What if it pushed everyone closer to their "real" age - so old people would become younger through divining... for a long time I felt I was "really" nineteen, for example. I've revised that recently to about 29. Since I've lived 47 years then reading the cards would pull me younger, but if I'd learnt to do it when I was in my teens it would have made me older...

... Clearly I've read too much fantasy.


I have never heard that divining ages us - do you think she made that up? Or is it a known superstition and maybe I've just never heard of it? Hmm!

For the poll, I had to go with once in a blue moon. I wouldn't want to appear older each time I read tarot (sounds like the premise of a good story, though.)

"The Portrait of Laura Borealis" - By Oscar Wilde's brother, Childe Wilde.

I think, of course, that she made it up like when you 'have to come up with a good answer for a child' so you tell them something outrageous ("Where do babies come from? We found you under a cabbage leaf!").

However, there are stories out in literature-land where 'to gain something you have to lose something' - The ugly evil witch gets her beauty back but loses her magickal powers, Oden loses an eye to gain the insight of the Runes, "If you keep doing that - you'll go blind", etc., etc.

Sounds like another 'Tarot Myth' to add to my book, if you ask me! :surprise:


I'd cut it in half, mostly in terms of how much I'd read for other people. I read for myself, but not so much that it would bother me if I aged from it. But yes, I'd cut down on other people. I do a lot of reading "just because." And a little aging wouldn't hurt me, as sometimes people think I'm almost half my age... It'll be a blessing eventually, but it's been a bit of a nuisance in early adulthood. :)


I have never heard that divining ages us - do you think she made that up? Or is it a known superstition and maybe I've just never heard of it? Hmm!
I think it goes back to when her mom, my grandmother was getting readings from a lady. This woman looked really worn out and haggard like for her age. This of course could have been her genetics but she insists that someone must pay a price for having this extra knowledge.

What a question!
I know huh!

I think, of course, that she made it up like when you 'have to come up with a good answer for a child' so you tell them something outrageous ("Where do babies come from? We found you under a cabbage leaf!").
I think you are correct here sir...

However, there are stories out in literature-land where 'to gain something you have to lose something' - The ugly evil witch gets her beauty back but loses her magickal powers, Oden loses an eye to gain the insight of the Runes, "If you keep doing that - you'll go blind", etc., etc.
So I must ask, IS there a price we pay for having this knowledge?

Sounds like another 'Tarot Myth' to add to my book, if you ask me! :surprise:
I pray you're right TB! If not, like one keeps count of a dog's age, I'm about 9 times my age in "Tarot Years." :p