Your Favorite Deck By Smell :3


Well this post just prompted me to sit in front of my shelf and smell for awhile :bug-eyed:


My favorite is my greenie Thoth, which I bought second hand from someone who apparently stored the deck with her incense. It has a deliciously subtle and spicy smell that I love, but it fades the more I use the deck. :(


Definitely my Wildwood Tarot. It seems to smell more like wood, the more worn it gets.


My inner child cards had a gentle good smell for quite some time... that was nice.

I store my decks with incense because I love the smell of incense, so all my decks smell what is for me a good smell. Only decks who are trade candidates have to live on an open shelf where they don't catch that smell :)

When one of my kittens peed on my old tarot box (cardboard!), I had to clean the one deck that was a bit wet - the Estensi. Oh the indignity! Fortunately, kittens have nearly smell-less pee, and I caught her immediately after the act. The crochet bags protected the other decks and all I had to do was wash the bags, but the Estensi needed some tlc before I could put it into its nice clean bag again. I wiped it down with eau de toilette and then let it air out - no smell was left, and now it's nice and incensy-smelling like the other deck.

Once I had a swap deck from a smoker's home. I left it for weeks on an open shelf and the problem was gone.

But I wonder where the good smell from the Inner Child cards came from. From the shop where I bought it? I really don't know.


I don't think I've ever noticed any of my decks smell good. But some sure have been dreadful. Very chemical smell. Animal Lords was the worst -- I had to leave it near my open window for a long time before I could even look through it.

I have asthma, so some card smells do trigger me.


my Roots of Asia smells like old moldy basement but I was so lucky to even get my hands on it I appreciate its scent lol. It doesn't smell as bad as when received it since I've used it.

My Thai Tarot smells like the shop I purchased it. yummy incense.


I store my decks with incense because I love the smell of incense, so all my decks smell what is for me a good smell. Only decks who are trade candidates have to live on an open shelf where they don't catch that smell :)

When one of my kittens peed on my old tarot box (cardboard!), I had to clean the one deck that was a bit wet - the Estensi. Oh the indignity! Fortunately, kittens have nearly smell-less pee, and I caught her immediately after the act. The crochet bags protected the other decks and all I had to do was wash the bags, but the Estensi needed some tlc before I could put it into its nice clean bag again. I wiped it down with eau de toilette and then let it air out - no smell was left, and now it's nice and incensy-smelling like the other deck.

Your kitten must have hated that 2 of Wands card too! :D I keep many of my decks in unpainted pine and cedar boxes, so they eventually smell pleasantly of evergreen. No incense needed, and I probably won't since some sitters have an adverse reaction to it.


The Cosmos is a beautiful deck! How do you find it reads? I would imagine that despite the common theme the disparate art styles can be tricky...

I actually love collabrative decks and haven't had an issue reading with any so far! The Cosmos is actually tricky in another way because of its unique system.

I noticed a lot of my decks don't have a smell at all, not even a playing card one, and I wonder if that means they smell like me and my house... hope that's a good smell!


Mine would be my shadowscapes as it smells of dragons blood incense, and seems to be the only deck I've stored with incense that has absorbed the scent really well.


My word... never really thought of sniffing my decks - as I generally don't like that printed paper and ink smell. I just notice varying degrees of not-so-nice odour.

Now... I've decided I shall scent a few of my personal decks (one's I don't use to read for others - people can be really sensitive to smell in all sorts of ways - so I'd rather my "public" decks were not scented) by storing incense inside the bags perhaps...
Ofcourse the smells I really like come in the form of essential oils (used to be an Aromatherapist)... but having essential oil on fabric generally isn't good for the fabric over time.
Perhaps I can introduce a fabric swatch with the oil on... Hmmm - that's a cool idea...
I feel a small Tarot scent project coming on... :D

I once had a second hand Lo Scarobeo that stank of Patchouli oil (I don't like Patchouli).
Lol. Took a few years for that smell to eventually dissipate.


What that rules out almost all the Lo Scarabeo decks for me.

For me too.

Mansions of the Moon. All versions of Illuminated. Because they are laminated and don't smell :D