YULE TO GO - The Ritual Begins


(One white, one red, one yellow, and two black candles are brought forth)

(The white candle is lit)
"White is lit for the cresent waxing moon, the Moon in her Maiden phase. We give greetings to her." (candle is placed in center of altar)

(The red candle is lit)
"Red is lit for the Full Moon, the Moon in her Mother phase, the warm embracing queen of creation. We give greetings to the Regal One." ( candle is placed next to white candle)

(The first black candle is lit)
"Black is lit for the waning to New Moon, the Moon in her crone phase. We give greetings to the Wise One." (the black candle is placed so the white, red, and black candles form a triangle in the center of the altar)

(The second black candle is lit)
"Black is lit to represent the longest night of the year." (candle is placed at one end of the altar)

(The yellow candle is lit)
"This yellow candle represents the Sun as the nights now begin to grow shorter and the days to grow longer." ( this candle is placed at the opposite end of the altar from the black one).

"Now is the Sun well on its course, through the dark months of winter. May the gods guard us and guide us through the long , dark days ahead."

{The participants bring forth candles of their own. These have a talent the participant wishes to bestow on the waxing light to manifest as the Springtime comes. It can be actually inscribed onto the candle, 'wished' onto the candle, written on a thin slip of paper and wound around the wick, etc. Starting in the East, each participant may speak this desire outloud or to themselves. They light their candle from the yellow altar candle and proceed clockwise to the outside edge of the circle to place it SAFELY along the edges of the room. As they light their candle they may say something like 'May this desire so manifest, as the light grows stronger!". When all have finished, the room should be glowing with light.}

"As this light grows about us
So may the presence of the Old Gods
Who come forth now in triumph where we stand.
May Magick, Mystery, and beauty be with us now,
In this, the season of renewed Light.
The season of the White Goddess and the Divine Child of lLght."


The Yule Log

Realistically, a log of Oak is brought in and burned in a fireplace. When the fire if run out, the remaining piece of Yule Log is saved to kindle the next year's fire.

In reality, an oaken log with two holes drilled in it to hold white candles ( or a cake in the shape of a Yule Log) is brought in. It should be placed in the center of the table holding the cakes and ale, and the candles lit from the altar candles.

"Let Us celebrate the Waxing of the Light!"

This 'partaking' can be solemn or boisterous. A plate of cakes is passed deosil (clockwise) and everyone takes one but does not eat it until all are ready. A cup of (wine, apple juice, or whatever) is passed long the same way. Once this is completed, many people partake of the food- buffet style. This is a time for celebration! Music and dancing within the circle is encouraged.

When this has wound itself down, the food is cleared and the circle is ready to be dismissed clockwise from the East.


We thank thee great Lady and newborn God. This birth in the dead of winter ushers forth the promise of Spring and Summer to come. Thank thee for attending our rite. Hail and farewell!

All face East:
We thank thee, skies of wind and storm,
And give our blessings to thy far realms. Blessed be!
Response: Blessed Be!

All face South:
We thank thee, far desert lands and places warm,
And give our blessings to thy far realms. Blessed Be!
Response: Blessed Be!

All face West:
We thank thee, crystalline lakes and streams,
And give our blessings to thy far realms.
Blessed Be!
Response: Blessed Be!

All face North:
We thank thee, lands of endless snow,
And give our blessings to thy far realms.
Blessed Be!
Response: Blessed Be!

This Solstice Rite is now ended. So Mote it be!
Response : So Mote It Be!


I wish to thank everyone who participated in our yule 'Ritual to Go'.

Blessed Yule and Blessed be!

{Remember - Candlemas/Imbolc is February 2, 2002. We barely made it on time for Yule! I still feel that this Sabbat might be better run by a female ringmaster, so don't forget- it needs to start in about 3-4 weeks at the latest!}


jade comes running into the center of the closed circle with a huge bowl of organic popped popcorn.......she throws it up into the air (not the bowl LOL) and uses it as confetti...................

singing happy birthday to the sun and yelling blessed yule to everyone!!!

Major Tom

Gosh! That finished in a rush! :eek:

I brought this beer I made - try some. :) You can see the label on my profile. I must warn you to pour carefully - this is real ale - it's alive - there's some yeast deposit at the bottom of the bottle. I think it tastes a bit of chocolate. :D


Major Tom: I LOVE the label!


Happy birthday to Him!
Happy birthday to Him!
Happy birthday to the Sun!
Happy birthday to Him!



here it is.
