I'm feeling at Risk...


I've been reading at a met shop for over 2 months, and can easily tell the difference in sitters' problems there vs at a pub doing mini's for 10 bucks.

At the pub, it's mere entertainment for them and the sitters are generally in a happy-go-lucky mood. At the store, where bigger bucks are dished out, REAL problems arrive all day long.

Divorces. Extra-marital affairs. Gossip. Work layoffs. Health crises....etc. Very rarely does a Sitter come there to confirm her life is good and all her cups are being filled.

It has crossed my mind before, and this morning seems to be weighing heavy on my shoulders, due to a situation very close to me.

Has anyone experienced "behavior problems" from either Sitter's spouse or other family member who learned what was discussed during the reading, and want to "take it out" on that Source? You know what I mean. They found out it was YOU who saw the other woman, and want to seek revenge? How dare you reveal their dirty little secret type thing?

I can't seem to shake this somewhat paranoid feeling!



Good question, HP!

I have not had an issue with this, yet. Have been reading professional for a few years now.

Very curious to hear if anyone has and how it's been handled.


I can't recall ever having someone want retribution for revealing something, or a spouse coming after me, or a relative. Very good question, HP.

I usually get relatives who want to tar and feather me for showing their kids a deck and explaining what I do,.....or they want to "reform" me lol.

Interested on what others will contribute.



I have never had this happen either...never even crossed my mind really...we did have one guy came in who got a bit scary because he thought we could all read his mind, but the bouncer showed him the door and walked us all out to our cars when we went home, and we never saw him again.
But I never had someone come in and want to know what I talked to so and so about.
The feeling may just be that you are uncomfortable with all these secrets people are telling you.


Had one last week where the boyfriend was there.

There was just stuff I left out. I could NOT say the baby on the way was not his - nor could I imply it. Nor could I say that he was not who she was supposed to be with - nor could I imply it. However as the other reader I was with and I left the place, we both agreed on both points.

Sometimes I tell folks that I don't want to know details, I do tell them that I won't make connections between what the cards tell me and what I'm telling them, and actual events in their lives that they may apply to.

The Deep Heavy Readings, I have foud, don't always need specific information, some things I don't want to know.

And yes - sometimes my left brain and right brain instruct me to say very different things. I tried doing a couple threads on it once but they failed horribly.

At risk? I felt at risk when I tended bar, I felt at risk when I drove a taxi, I was at risk in NYC. Risk at reading? I feel safer now than ever before...but I'm rambling...


Baroli said:
.....or they want to "reform" me lol.

Ughh...ya had to bring my sister into this, didn't you!? lol



lark said:
The feeling may just be that you are uncomfortable with all these secrets people are telling you.

That's possible. As a Pisces, I'm always looking at it from another's point of view, good or bad. And then my imagination kicks in and it's like a runaway train sometimes!

Then you add in the kooks out there...


Umbrae said:
. . . some things I don't want to know.

But the Sitter does.

S/he will come right out and ASK "Is s/he having an affair like I suspect?" and there it is, in plain light, the 3 of Swords.

They probably don't know what that card represents, and one could read it anyway they wanted to avoid answering. I read the card truthfully, as that's what they're paying me for.

And therein lays my vulnerability.


HighPriestesss said:
That's possible. As a Pisces, I'm always looking at it from another's point of view, good or bad. And then my imagination kicks in and it's like a runaway train sometimes!

Then you add in the kooks out there...
I'm a Pisces too so I know what you mean. :)
Sometimes being a reader really pushes your nose up against the seedy side of life.


I was a hairdresser for many years and got the same stories. I often felt like I knew some of my customers better than their families did. Sadly no one ever asked me how their mom or brother was doing...I wouldn't have carried tales but I don't think people have any idea how much someone will tell a stranger that they wouldn't discuss with someone they know.

Maybe it is the telling that is important, not the reader or listener.

I hope you don't have any aggressive step-customers.