Did You Meet Your 2009 Goals (Tarot-wise)?


I remembered a thread started by Nevada from earlier this year where we discussed what we planned to do in terms of studying tarot and just generally things we planned to do tarot-wise in 2009. (Here is a link in case you are interested.

My goals were to study Thoth, attend Readers Studio, and read, read, read (the cards, but also books). I did great on the second two. Readers Studio was magnifico and I did a ton of readings. But the closest I got to studying Thoth was to post once in Nicky's thread about "Gonna learn Thoth if it kills me". :) I did actually read through a lot of the work she was sharing and get out the actual deck and attempt to study it, but not for long.

On the other hand, I did do my first paid readings this year, got involved with a wonderful tarot group, and met a ton of people who love Tarot, both online and IRL. I also added to my modest collection, and got closer to lots of AT'ers through Trade Trains and the like. Yay, Aeclectic!

How about you? How was your Tarot Year?


Sulis said:
I plan on getting rid of a lot of my decks so that I just have the ones that I use and a few very special others.

This is what I said I'd do in 2009 and I'm afraid I haven't really done it. I've given away a few decks but I haven't really got down to sorting out my decks to thin them out. They are all still in boxes under the bed I'm afraid.
I really do need to get around to it as I have loads of decks languishing there, not being read with and I'm sure there are people out there in the wide world who would love and cherish them more than I'm doing.
I've bought very few decks this year because I have the decks I use and very rarely see a deck I just have to have these days. If I buy a deck now it's because I need it as a reading deck and I'm very fussy :).


I can say that I "tried" ~ does that count?
I did focus on the Tarot Constellation families for the decks that I was able to get to, but my collection exploded and I will be busy for years!

I gathered a first round draft on my Bella Sara card oracle, but they keep publishing new sets. })


Hahahahaha! I just saw mine.
Sinduction said:
I plan on acquiring more decks. :D
Yes, I met my goal!! :D :D

Le Fanu

I posted in the other thread a couple of weeks ago (I think), but the upshot was more informed purchasing. This I have stuck to.

One thing I didn't post in this thread but which I remember was uppermost in my mind at the beginning of the year, was familiarising myself with the Etteilla decks. This didn't happen as much as I would have liked. Yes I have studied the Etteilla decks via Huson's book but not as in depth as I would have liked.

I am getting more and more conscious of the essential decks for me. I have many decks in my collection and I'm not thinking of weeding any out or selling them off, but I have been feeling a hardening core of decks forming itself in my mind. I was beginning to feel that my collection had a coherence - for me - at the beginning of the year and this has become more and more apparent over the course of the year.

Plus this hardening of a core group of decks, about 20 of them (is that too many?), decks I rotate, decks I come back to. Often buying a better or different edition of a deck I love appeals more than just another release.


Oddly I have exactly 20 decks that I would call my favourites, and that if for some ghastly reason I had to lose all my others - this group of 20 would be the ones that would always stay with me. It's a large enough number to have variety and yet manageable enough to be able to work with properly.

That said, I'm in no mad rush for my other decks to leave mama.....


yes i met my goals, i do paid readings which is great, and i found the deck i love, but i sadly discovered am moving away from tarot....


My goal was to start tarot.

I have reached my goal! :DD~

I'll need to make more goals for next year.


My goal was not to acquire any more decks this year. I've succeeded - and if I get one for Christmas it won't count because it's a gift.


I missed the thread where we stated our goals, but, my goal was to become more flexible. To get and use a range of decks and be able to pick any one up and read with it. To get closer to the Thoth, and use it regularly. I entered the year with a long term narrow, 3 deck view on Tarot. Now I've got a ton, and I can pick any one up and read with any one of them. The Thoth has moved into my number one spot, and that's my most comfortable read now, where a year ago it was the most intimidating.

A goal I never would have dreamed, or maybe in the far longterm, I do paid readings, now. For years, I was very in the closet about Tarot, then early last year, I started reading for friends, and family, and early this year I started reading for anyone and everyone, and now I read more for perfect strangers than for anyone I know. Good times.