List of tarot myths


nisaba said:
They weren't surprised when I politely declined to buy a Watchtower.
BUY one ? Our lot gave them away for free. I used to say to older daughter (when she was about 7) "Your new colouring book's here, dear...."

They actually make pretty good colouring books. Lots of nice lines to stay inside :D


A common reaction that I get from people when I tell them I'm interrested in tarot is: "do you want to become a fortune teller?". If that's not a cliché myth then I don't know what is.


gregory said:
BUY one ? Our lot gave them away for free. I used to say to older daughter (when she was about 7) "Your new colouring book's here, dear...."

They actually make pretty good colouring books. Lots of nice lines to stay inside :D
Yes, they give me Watchtowers for free as well. :)

Bee :)

OperaPhantom u_u

teomat said:
How about 'You can discover things about yourself and your future through a pack of cards'?

It's interesting how we're all laughing at these myths, and yet we are the ones who believe that a pack of cards can give us insight into ourselves and our world. If a person who didn't believe in tarot were to read this thread, what would they think of us? anyone?

It's curious how we can ridicule one belief, and yet we believe in something many others consider unbelievable.

People who don’t believe in tarot readings are really ignoring the fact that science’s last discoveries in quantum-physics field of research and alike demonstrate that reality is affected by consciousness and produces all kinds of synchronicities. Tarot cards are simply our way to represent the consciousness fragmented in a series of archetypical ideas; ergo we can use it to discover things about ourselves or something else with them.

I think it make materialistic and old orthodox “scientific” approaches that still rule over the mainstream really a myth ;)

Tiro DvD

Very funny, and in the same line as Scion:

"Ritual leads to superstion."

"Ritual leads to dependancy."

"Dependancy is always very bad."

"There are no such things as bad or evil". ;)


Cards falling out of the deck

My hands aren't exactly shovels and occassionally I do drop a few when shuffling - of course after reading this thread I might try using my right hand to shuffle which is the way I would shuffle a deck of playing cards. I read that if you drop cards when u shuffle that they have a significant meaning and you should not put them back into the deck........... Is this another myth?

Some of the myths I've read here I hadn't even heard of but omg they are hilarious.

Of course I feel like a bit of an eejit since I thought some of them were true. Ooops!


Gorreti said:
My hands aren't exactly shovels and occassionally I do drop a few when shuffling - of course after reading this thread I might try using my right hand to shuffle which is the way I would shuffle a deck of playing cards. I read that if you drop cards when u shuffle that they have a significant meaning and you should not put them back into the deck........... Is this another myth?

Some of the myths I've read here I hadn't even heard of but omg they are hilarious.

Of course I feel like a bit of an eejit since I thought some of them were true. Ooops!

It's a wishy washy answers, but honestly.... it depends. I used the odd "jumper" but it's usually pretty prevalent. But I have one deck that doesn't handle well (size and slippery) and that deck I don't use the jumpers. I guess in short if it gets my attention, I use them. If it's something that could have happened because of a fumbly day.. I don't.


I have heard that if you barter for a deck rather than paying the asking price (hello, eBay), your deck will not read well for you because it gets offended. :D



This may have been posted, I read through three or four pages, and didn't notice it, but sorry if it was.

I never heard of this. But many of my clients ask it of me.

That if you tell someone what the reader predicted (about the reading) , then the predictions won't come true.


le fey

I think that they're getting that one confused with the wish you make when you blow out your birthday candles. :)