De-Enabling Thread


hehe, you are most welcome.
As for deenabling on Housewifes, well, it does not hold a whole lot of symbolism. It treats women as meat (just look at judgment) and there is an AWFUL lot of cleaning and dusting and washing up going on it gives me a bad conscience for not keeping up with my dustbunnies


Okay, at last count I had about 80 Tarot decks. Do I NEED Fenestra Tarot, Wizard's Tarot or Fantastical Creatures Tarot....? That 'Add to basket' button is very tempting...


Okay, at last count I had about 80 Tarot decks. Do I NEED Fenestra Tarot, Wizard's Tarot or Fantastical Creatures Tarot....? That 'Add to basket' button is very tempting...

hehe short answer - no, I don't have any of them and feel perfectly fine anyway :p


The cats really did it better? :O
Umh... *mumble*
Is it really so? Does anyone have both and agree?

Yes. And yes. The cats do it WAY better. They usually do, in tarot.


Fenestra, Wizards

Okay, at last count I had about 80 Tarot decks. Do I NEED Fenestra Tarot, Wizard's Tarot or Fantastical Creatures Tarot....? That 'Add to basket' button is very tempting...

I have two of those decks and I don't feel fulfilled in any way.



I keep seeing this deck everywhere... like its calling me saying 'buy me'
but I just need a bit of help to keep it away from the shopping cart and the till in the bookshop...

so de-enablers, work your magic on me and the wildwood!



I keep seeing this deck everywhere... like its calling me saying 'buy me'
but I just need a bit of help to keep it away from the shopping cart and the till in the bookshop...

so de-enablers, work your magic on me and the wildwood!

Well the it's all very wildernessy and earthy and all that, but good luck reading with it - they symbolism is really pretty shallow and jumbled, and unless you're heavily into animal totems I don't think you'll connect. It's all a bit obvious.

The figures have an exaggerated feel - like, the're good, anatomically correct and all that - but the poses are slightly over the top. The archer is putting EVERYTHING into drawing that bow. I get tired just looking at them. There's no subtlety.

I don't think there's anything here that you won't get - with more subtlety and layers of meaning - from another deck.



Just HOW much do you like Robin Hood ?



...erm ... several cards, whilst depicting fascinating pagan imagery, are typical of WW's artwork in their rather disproportionate female & child figures.

Erm ... otherwise, all I can otherwise think of is that I'm put off quite a few cards by their very cartoonish nature, which I find facile & ugly, detracting from the wonderful subject-matter & associations.

Will that do? ;) /l\