is it possible to do a reading for a misogynist?


Maybe Jess Karlin could read for Limbaugh.


Jess Karlin has announced that he is dead, so.... })


it's just my piscean to find out what makes idiots tick....

Exactly - just curiosity And honestly - I'm sorry, but it is none of your business.


Exactly - just curiosity And honestly - I'm sorry, but it is none of your business.

Why isn't it? Remember, we have an entire science of human behavior (psychology) that is designed to do just that--see what causes various types of people to be who they are. Just to take one example, thanks to psychology, we're learning more and more these days about antisocial personalities (psychopaths): up to 15% smaller prefrontal cortex, lower autonomic reactivity.

Personally, I wouldn't turn to the Tarot to answer questions about what makes someone the way that they are, but wanting to find the answers is a valid pursuit.


dunno, i'm with gregory. i wouldn't want someone digging around my brain/life without permission, whether through psychoanalysis, tarot, or old-fashioned snooping, and so i don't see myself doing it to others UNLESS it was directly affecting my life (as in 'what kind of influence is uncool misogynist dude having in my life and what can i do about that)

The crowned one

The purpose of Tarot is to give guidance and ultimately make us better people.

Then I have been using it for the wrong reasons! I use it for divination....the future mostly, sometimes the past.


i wouldn't want someone digging around my brain/life without permission, whether through psychoanalysis, tarot, or old-fashioned snooping,

Too bad Limberger didn't get the memo! LOL

At least when psychologists try to figure people out, our motives involve the advancement of science and ultimate betterment of the species, and we have the approval of ethical review boards behind us.

ETA: typo fix


Exactly - just curiosity And honestly - I'm sorry, but it is none of your business.

I disagree with this.

He's a public figure, and he chose that role.

Part of being in the spotlight is that people will speculate on what makes him tick. Especially in his case because he's made career out of saying controversial things. And I don't think tarot is much different from other types of speculation.


Seriously? Read what you want, on who you want.

It is not spying or prying. That's hogwash.

They are cards. What you see in them is your own interpretation and may or may not be the truth.

It's completely different than stalking him with a video camera.

There are no rules and this is not about "ethics."


What she said ^^