Horary Readings Round 7 - Answers


Thank you! Your conclusions all make sense given what we know for the time being. Good to see Jupiter so strong, and the good-but-not-his-best thing rings true.

I always learn from seeing how you do it, and this time your reading is with terms I haven't come across which I shall google at my leisure. :)

I'm always happy to supply any explanation or answer any questions on my readings. It actually helps me, because I try keep my readings as intelligble as possible :) So anything that you didn't follow, will remind me to explain it in further readings.

I'm not sure how strong the 'illness' will be. It might be something that's hardly noticeable. It's just an extrapoliation of things going on in the chart to exams. I know from both experience as a candidate and as a tutor that the pressures can lead to a disposition to pick up bugs or to be vulnerable to anything that's going about.


There's another possible issue too. The Moon's next aspect is to Venus, who is Lord 6 in his turned chart and her last aspect was to Jupiter, his significator. It's not a bad aspect, being a sextile, but it might indicate his health is not at its best during this period. Again I don't see that having a major effect and it might not even have any effect at all . Just watch out for any Venus symptoms (Taurus on the sixth suggests the throat and Leo suggests the stomach).

Me again. :) I've already said that your forecast on how my son did in the exams sounded realistic, but we'll know in August. But I'll just add: when I read this about his health, I found it hard to believe as he's fighting fit and we don't tend to go down with bugs. But after these exams began, he started a cold and it's still rumbling on. His main complaint with it has been a sore throat, though colds more often give him headache. And he felt very upset-tum kind of ill during one exam, and has had nausea for the second half of the exam period (the last 30 days). ... I'm still deciding what I think about making predictions, but this made me jump when I came back to re-read the details! And while some of it is "don't know yet", there hasn't been a single point false unless his results are very different from expected. Thought you'd like to know. :)


Me again. :) I've already said that your forecast on how my son did in the exams sounded realistic, but we'll know in August. But I'll just add: when I read this about his health, I found it hard to believe as he's fighting fit and we don't tend to go down with bugs. But after these exams began, he started a cold and it's still rumbling on. His main complaint with it has been a sore throat, though colds more often give him headache. And he felt very upset-tum kind of ill during one exam, and has had nausea for the second half of the exam period (the last 30 days). ... I'm still deciding what I think about making predictions, but this made me jump when I came back to re-read the details! And while some of it is "don't know yet", there hasn't been a single point false unless his results are very different from expected. Thought you'd like to know. :)

Thanks for the update. Forecasting is a matter of reading the key significators (with health that's the first and the sixth plus the Lot of Fortune) plus an understanding of context. Some Astrologers would not have developed that point but I've seen it so often before, both as a candidate over several years and as a tutor. This is a horary chart for the exams, and I couldn't help suggesting that as a real possibility.

As for the final performance, yes August will give us an indication. but I expect some limitation on performance but nothing catastrophic. I'll review the chart again just to confirm that. Has he had much in the way of coaching for exam technique? If counts far more than you might think.


Thanks for the update. Forecasting is a matter of reading the key significators (with health that's the first and the sixth plus the Lot of Fortune) plus an understanding of context. Some Astrologers would not have developed that point but I've seen it so often before, both as a candidate over several years and as a tutor. This is a horary chart for the exams, and I couldn't help suggesting that as a real possibility.

As for the final performance, yes August will give us an indication. but I expect some limitation on performance but nothing catastrophic. I'll review the chart again just to confirm that. Has he had much in the way of coaching for exam technique? If counts far more than you might think.

That's not such an easy question. He's home educated for the last two years, and I was very conscious that previously (at school) they'd had far less exam practice than I had when I was at school. (And I'm very aware indeed that exams test technique far more than they test the subject!) So I have been focusing on that in my contribution to his learning. I can't compare with what the norm is, what standard they expect, and his learning has been far more self-directed than anything else. He himself is very(!) self-directed and also, with home ed kids it's normal to start on the actual syllabus very late and whiz through it, building on a great, amorphous basis of knowledge built up over years (I've been told the average is ten weeks, once they begin going through the syllabus).

So, erm... I'd say he had a lot of "telling" of exam technique without enough actual practice. On the other hand he did a lot of past papers, but over weeks rather than years. Our attitude, his attitude, is that the subjects matter whereas the qualifications don't - in reality - but the qualifications are necessary for what he wants to do in life, so he took English and maths now, a year early, so as to "tick them off", and to allow time to retake if it comes to that, plus law purely out of interest. For this practical reason, we did that "teaching towards exams" thing which school teachers feel so constrained by (and it was nice not to feel constrained because we weren't doing it because of having no time to follow the interesting parts of the subjects! ;)).

He also somehow knows a lot more than I see him learning, if you know what I mean. We touch on a subject, I give the "headlines" of how to do something, and months later he turns out to be "fluent" at that skill. I feel this has to do with Mercury in Cancer, do you think? I also have Merc in Cancer and this learning style doesn't feel alien to me in the way other people have commented; others seem to think it's magical but I do "get" it.

Was that more reply than you needed? :D


The issue comes down to a balance between learning and exploring and assessing the learning that has taken place. I'm not a major fan of exams, in the traditional sense of three hours in the exam hall with an unseen paper. It's quite possible to analyse past papers and get through very well on a very focussed and narrow range of material. Yet assement boards and governments continue to use this as the prime method. I might not be a fan of it but I am (or perhaps better phrased I was) good at that mode of assessment. But it conceals large gaps in knowledge. The method you describe of focussing on the syllabus at the end after a wide ranging exploration is better. Though again, someone has to 'choose' the boundaries of that exploration (for example exactly which branches of maths are explored and to what extent) I used to find that even degree students were incapable of a simple sun such as 3+2 x 5 (answer 13 not 25).

Mercury is important for communication and logical processes. Saturn is important for analysis but when you get out into the Arts, it becomes much less certain. Venus, Jupiter and even Mars can play important roles. I often think the Moon is essential for poetry and Venus for music. My Venus is in Detriment and I've never been any good at playing or singing, though I'm great with Music Theory (Saturn and Mercury).


Reading for thrasheddoll

So I have been seeing a man for a couple of months but we have been friends for about 3 years.. Recently we had a fight which to me seemed totally unreasonable and he says he never wants to talk to me again.. He seems to like fighting but he's never actually cut me off like this.. He is a cancer sun, Scorpio moon, Leo ascendant and I am a Taurus sun Taurus moon Leo ascendant.. I am interested to know if we will reconcile, how long it'll take and if possible how it will play out.. I have pulled some tarot cards to get some clarity (thoth deck) and got love (2 of cups) in the past which explains it for itself, valour (7 of wands) as present clarified by the lovers which means I'm fighting to maintain the connection and ace of cups clarified by success (6 of pentacles) which I hope means a successful second chance.. How do u see the situation? I'm curious if my impressions match up with urs

The chart cast has Sagittarius rising, making your significator Jupiter. Jupiter is actually well placed in Leo and in the ninth house, which although cadent aspects the Ascendant. The ninth is not primarily concerned with romance but more with your own self development and growth. It also has traditional links to Astrology and Divination and given that you are reading the cards as well, it seems your main priority is to divine what the other party is up to as far as romance is concerned. Interestingly the ninth is ruled by the Sun and the Sun is in the seventh of partnerships and marriage. So the chart is reasonably self validating. You are concerned with validating his intentions through divination. As well as the focus on divination there's a clear interest in him, as Jupiter is also in the Terms of Mercury, ruler of the Seventh.

For his part, Mercury is in Gemini, which is the seventh house, but in his case that suggests that as it's his own house, he is interested in himself. Mercury has two relevant properties in terms of this question. Firstly it's just about to emerge from the Sun's beams. This is physically a situation where the planet cannot be seen and that's just the state that he has been in as far as you are concerned. He's out of sight, or hiding or making himself unreachable. That condition is about to change. By the Hellenistic definition, Mercury has just emerged from hiding. By the medieval definition it's still hidden but nearly on the point of re-appearing. So I think it's likely that you will see or hear from him or about him in the relatively near future.

The second condition is that Mercury is Retrograde but about to station Direct. For him there is a change coming but it will come slowly.

By sign Mercury is sextile to Jupiter but it's nowhere near sextile by degree and indeed the gap is widening a little, even when Mercury becomes Direct.. That doesn't seem to offer an immediate chance of reconciliation but it does suggest that change is beginning.

Also both the first house (Saturn) and the seventh (Mars) contain malefics. Now those might signify a problem in making judgement from this chart, but I think it's more likely they reflect the left over animosity from the breakdown of your relationship. Saturn is about to Retrograde into Scorpio, so that will get rid of one of them but Mars is reasonably ensconced and it is about to conjoin the Sun, Jupiter's ruler.

Is there any hope at all? I think the possibility is there. Mercury is in the Face of Jupiter, so he has feelings for you but at the moment you are low on his list of priorities.

That change to Direct will see Mercury begin a race with Venus to get to Jupiter, Venus is heading for the Conjunction, Mercury for the trine. Venus will just win but as Venus rules the eleventh house of hopes, which also contains the Lot of Fortune, you may be lucky.

So no obvious reconciliation in this chart but there is a hope that fortune might favour you. Don't count on it but if you get the chance do act on it.


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The issue comes down to a balance between learning and exploring and assessing the learning that has taken place. I'm not a major fan of exams, in the traditional sense of three hours in the exam hall with an unseen paper. It's quite possible to analyse past papers and get through very well on a very focussed and narrow range of material. Yet assement boards and governments continue to use this as the prime method. I might not be a fan of it but I am (or perhaps better phrased I was) good at that mode of assessment. But it conceals large gaps in knowledge.
Word for word, me too. :) Including the large gaps!
Yes, we decided that exams are an irrelevant necessity so he's jumping through the minimum of hoops for pragmatic reasons only, as efficiently as pos.

The method you describe of focussing on the syllabus at the end after a wide ranging exploration is better. Though again, someone has to 'choose' the boundaries of that exploration (for example exactly which branches of maths are explored and to what extent) I used to find that even degree students were incapable of a simple sun such as 3+2 x 5 (answer 13 not 25).
Choosing the boundaries is probably what I mean when I answer the question, "So how do you teach him?" I have a set reply: "Well, he teaches himself, with my guidance." (I don't mention how light my touch has to be. ;) Luckily he accepts guidance far better now than he did at thirteen!)

Mercury is important for communication and logical processes. Saturn is important for analysis but when you get out into the Arts, it becomes much less certain. Venus, Jupiter and even Mars can play important roles. I often think the Moon is essential for poetry and Venus for music. My Venus is in Detriment and I've never been any good at playing or singing, though I'm great with Music Theory (Saturn and Mercury).
This of course threw me to the other son's chart, as he makes his living as a composer and producer. His Venus is at 5 Gem in his 5th, squaring both Mars and Saturn but trine Jupiter. Knowing what he writes, the squares sort of make sense to me, in my state-it-first-justify-it-later Merc/Cancer way.

Just realised I told you wrong, the exam-taking son's Mercury is in Pisces, not Cancer. I sometimes muddle the wetter signs. ;)


The chart cast has Sagittarius rising, making your significator Jupiter. Jupiter is actually well placed in Leo and in the ninth house, which although cadent aspects the Ascendant. The ninth is not primarily concerned with romance but more with your own self development and growth. It also has traditional links to Astrology and Divination and given that you are reading the cards as well, it seems your main priority is to divine what the other party is up to as far as romance is concerned. Interestingly the ninth is ruled by the Sun and the Sun is in the seventh of partnerships and marriage. So the chart is reasonably self validating. You are concerned with validating his intentions through divination. As well as the focus on divination there's a clear interest in him, as Jupiter is also in the Terms of Mercury, ruler of the Seventh.

For his part, Mercury is in Gemini, which is the seventh house, but in his case that suggests that as it's his own house, he is interested in himself. Mercury has two relevant properties in terms of this question. Firstly it's just about to emerge from the Sun's beams. This is physically a situation where the planet cannot be seen and that's just the state that he has been in as far as you are concerned. He's out of sight, or hiding or making himself unreachable. That condition is about to change. By the Hellenistic definition, Mercury has just emerged from hiding. By the medieval definition it's still hidden but nearly on the point of re-appearing. So I think it's likely that you will see or hear from him or about him in the relatively near future.

The second condition is that Mercury is Retrograde but about to station Direct. For him there is a change coming but it will come slowly.

By sign Mercury is sextile to Jupiter but it's nowhere near sextile by degree and indeed the gap is widening a little, even when Mercury becomes Direct.. That doesn't seem to offer an immediate chance of reconciliation but it does suggest that change is beginning.

Also both the first house (Saturn) and the seventh (Mars) contain malefics. Now those might signify a problem in making judgement from this chart, but I think it's more likely they reflect the left over animosity from the breakdown of your relationship. Saturn is about to Retrograde into Scorpio, so that will get rid of one of them but Mars is reasonably ensconced and it is about to conjoin the Sun, Jupiter's ruler.

Is there any hope at all? I think the possibility is there. Mercury is in the Face of Jupiter, so he has feelings for you but at the moment you are low on his list of priorities.

That change to Direct will see Mercury begin a race with Venus to get to Jupiter, Venus is heading for the Conjunction, Mercury for the trine. Venus will just win but as Venus rules the eleventh house of hopes, which also contains the Lot of Fortune, you may be lucky.

So no obvious reconciliation in this chart but there is a hope that fortune might favour you. Don't count on it but if you get the chance do act on it.

You say that there is a change coming for him.. what kind of change?

Also I am currently reading an Astrological Studies book and it says that we shouldn't read malefics because stars don't fight/war.. Can you explain that further or clarify why it is that you do? Otherwise great reading and thank you


Reading for Bonny

Hi Minderwiz,

I'm not sure how this thread works...
My question is to do with a relationship ...
I've got double Sagittarius and Aquarius rising...
He's Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, with ALOT of earth in his chart... The only earth sign I have is Venus in Capricorn ...
We have been close for four years and as a shock to me recently he just pulled away.
Any suggestions as to what this could have been about ? I used to love the stability all his earth signs gave him because I am restless curious and move around a lot...

No worries if this isn't very helpful as a starting post...


The chart has Scorpio rising making your significator Mars. His significator is Venus.

Mars is in Gemini where it is exactly Cazimi, that is it is in a perfect conjunction with the Sun. Medieval Astrologers treated this as a strong accidental dignity, Mars is also in its own Terms, so yet more dignity. Howevber it's in the eighth house which is an idle or disconnected house. As it's in the Sun's beams it cannot be seen. So the current state is that you are signified as being out of communication with the outside world, or more particularly, given the question, him. It's not a strong position to be in because it signifies difficulty in effecting any action.

His significator, Venus is angular in the tenth house of the chart (his fourth house) in Leo and is co-present with Jupiter. Although there is no aspect by degree, they are close enough to have some effect on each other. Jupiter's effects are usually good.

You asked about his motivations for being out of touch. I usually take this from the essential dignities of the sign and house that his significator is in. To do that I need to turn the chart - that is see it from his point of view (or his significator's) His 'first house' is the seventh, of the chart. As I said above that puts his significator in his 'fourth house' That would suggest issues with fourth house meanings. That could be his home or his real estate. It could be his parents or the family in general. So to me his prime focus is on that area. Secondary priorities appear to be money - both his own and other people's (which might signify that of a relative, possibly a bequest, or of a partner (not necessarily romantic) or a loan. The issues about his own money might well be connected with that of other people's - a bequest or a loan directly affect his own finances. But it could simply relate to his earnings. I can't be specific here, not knowing the full circumstances, but money issues are there. They aren't a top priority but the are important. Sadly none of Venus' essential dignities belongs to Mars, nor for that matter do any of Mars' essential dignities belong to Venus.

There's no aspect forming between Mars and Venus, though by sign they are sextile, which is a favourable aspect for an outcome. This sextile by sign is much too weak to deliver anything related to the question.

The next thing is to look at the Moon. The Moon is in the very last degree of Taurus, the seventh house. It is about to oppose Saturn at 0 degrees Sagittarius when it changes sign to Gemini. I had initially hoped that the Moon's next aspect would be to Mercury, because that promised a possible translation of light, when Mercury aspected Venus by sextile. However the opposition to Saturn prohibits that from happening.

Up to now that suggests no change in the situation, at least in the short to medium term. The separation seems to be due to his concerns for parents/family/home and money though how closely interconnected those are, I'm not able to say.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help on this one.


You say that there is a change coming for him.. what kind of change?

Also I am currently reading an Astrological Studies book and it says that we shouldn't read malefics because stars don't fight/war.. Can you explain that further or clarify why it is that you do? Otherwise great reading and thank you

On the change, he'll stop moving away from you and start to move back towards you. I think this is likely to be a slow process and there's no guarantee that he will eventually want to renew the relationship, so the change is one of Direction but not necesssarily intensity.

On the issue of malefics, modern Astrology is rather hypocritical when it comes to judgements. Astrologers are quite willing to talk about things that are 'good' but reluctant to acknowledge that some things a re 'bad'. A malefic signifies something that is at best not good and at worst definitely bad. That doesn't mean that the planet causes the event or that it 'fights or has a war' no more than Jupiter causes good things to happen. A significator isn't a cause it's a sign that something might happen.

Everday life contains events that we label as 'good' or label as 'bad' that doesn't mean we can't do anything to stop either the 'good; happening (it might not if we behave in a way that's not conducive to it). Nor does it mean that the 'bad' thing will happen. We can usually take some action to avoid it or at least mitigate it.

So my view is that warning of things that might lead to bad things happening, is justified, in exactly the same way that shouting 'Look out!' is justified if you see someone about to walk in front of an oncoming car. or warning someone that smoking is bad for their health.

Traditional Astrology has two significators that tend to be associate with 'bad' things, though this is not always the case. Mars and Saturn can actually be associated with good things, if they are well dignified but usually fear, recklessness, over agression or inability to act are signified. All of those can be overcome.

As well as those two planets, Traditional Astrology allows for other planets to be 'bad' if poorly placed in the chart. A badly placed Venus can be associated with drunkeness, a badly placed Jupiter can be associated with over indulgence, and so on. Each planet has good points and bad points. In general Mars and Saturn are less likely to produce 'good' things (though they may teach badly needed lessons).

Overall, Traditional Astrology is biased towards the good things, there are more benefics than malefics most of the time and there are more 'good' houses than 'bad' houses all of the time.

So the point is that 'bad' things do happen and we shouldn't shy away from talking about them. However the object should never be to frighten the 'client', it should be to help the 'client' take suitable action to avoid or mitigate those unwanted events.

As clients differ, sometimes we probably would avoid using the word 'malefic' because of the sensitivity of the client. In modern English it has connotations of 'evil' which did not exist in the original Latin usage (and our use of the word 'evil' has also changed).