Secret Wishes


Hi Zhadee
I'm intrigued about your reading style. May I sit? Do I have to have a question?
How did you come up with matching Jung to Lenormand? What a way to think outside the box...loving it! :)


Hi Zhadee
I'm intrigued about your reading style. May I sit? Do I have to have a question?
How did you come up with matching Jung to Lenormand? What a way to think outside the box...loving it! :)

Lenormand - Dondorf

1. Your secret wish - Clover
2. I heart it - Ring
3. I dislike it - Birds
4. restraint - Fishes
5. fulfillment - Clouds

The Clover is your secret wish.

The four-leaf clover may indicate the desire for comfort, especially by related parties. The clover was also used as a symbol for love and relationship, likewise it can point to deep and comfortable love feelings.
The trifoliage symbolizes the unity of body, mind and soul that must be restored to feel again in harmony with oneself and the environment.
The Clover bestows vigour.
It is a symbol for resurrection, since it was formerly planted on graves.
The first impression is - the Clover in your spread refers with redeeming a lost fortune. It may also express finding a good fortune in the
prospective and succeeding future. Either resurrection or realizsation. Something should become or return.

The Ring is how you like your wish. The Ring either says your intention becomes perfect, the ring closes, or the circle begins and your good fortune returns. The Ring contains both possibilities, it refers to both ways (either beginning or returning). Sometimes you have to start afresh to make something return. If you succeed in the new beginning, your lost fortune is repaired. A failing in the new beginning is just as bad as a lost luck. The Ring likes the Clover because of its neverending vitality, because the Clover is inspiring confidence.
It will return for sure in the next springtime, coming with a four-leaved clover hidden somewhere.

The Birds show how you dislike the wish. They say:
You cannot rely on luck, you have to work hard. Luck results from work, not from chance. The Birds plan their future, they have a concept. They process a routine, they don't take each day as it comes.
The Birds define fortune as material well-being and financial means. Luck is security, fortune is fickle. You have to make a fortune.
For the Ring, luck is worth a fortune. The Ring also deals with wholesomeness and integrity.

The Fishes are the restraint. The Fishes symbolize water, fertility and life. They say put up or shut up! Easy come, easy go. Life is too short to wait for luck to come. You hang onto your luck, so you waste your opportunities.
Because you rely too much on your luck, are you waiting for opportunities instead of working for your success.
You are only a ripple on the waters, you hope for a wonder and the impossible. You will fail.
Underneath the waters, there grows no Clover. The Ring gets lost, sinking to the ground. Bad luck, bad fortune. Shipwreck, trainwreck. Deadbeat.
The Fishes drown everything, they are cold, they give you clammy hands and wet feet. They are moody, lunatic, and give the strange impression of luck not coming to everybody.
Luck is unjust, it is merely an accident. But the Ring is perfect.
The Fishes are like the Birds: they plan and control. Achievement of quotas. A good time demands good timing. No time to lose.
The Ring says: I have all the time in the world. Luck is coincidence.
Because the Fishes depend on a plan, they put you under pressure.
They are hurry, they are running out of time, they impel you.

The Clouds fulfill the wish.
They are a blessing in disguise. First, you think the prospects are not looking good, dark time. The Clouds are passing, they move seemingly on their own. There is a heavenly power at work.
Clouds say: Godspeed! Godsend.

Your secret wish is a windfall.

Hope this resonates!

PS: C.G. Jung is a tool to read the symbolic meanings of the Lenormand.



HI zhadee, I really apologize for the delay in providing you with feedback. I've had family staying with me for the past week and a bit and haven't had much of a chance to use the computer to check in on the forum. I'd meant to post feedback before they arrived, but I didn't have a chance. I really do apologize.

Lenormand - Dondorf

1. Your secret wish - Heart
2. I heart it - Tower
3. I dislike it - Fishes
4. restraint - Child
5. fulfillment - Tree

The Heart is your wish. Inside the Heart reside love, wisdom and intuition. A good heart has an equally strong force of life. The first idea is, your wish is to give away your heart or you wish to win another heart. You want to love or be loved. To find a bosom buddy, a one heart being, which is blissful happiness. Likewise, this might speak of working up all your courage. When you find your courage, you get magnanimity.

I am currently in a relationship, so I have “given away” my heart in that sense. However, we’re now in a long distance relationship and it’s occasionally had me doubting the strength of our relationship, which I think that this might be pointing to? Our relationship is quite solid, but it’s not necessarily the type of blissful happiness – as you say – that it once was. Not that there’s anything wrong with it per say, but is it everything I envision when I look at a card like the Heart? Not necessarily.

It’s interesting that you also mention having a strong force of life and courage – this is also something I’ve been lacking. Again, a lot of self doubt going on here.

The Tower is how you like your wish. When the gates of the Tower open, you are welcome to receive hospitality. Standing on top of the Tower, watching across the land, almost heaven. When the Heart visits the Tower, it fills the Tower and opens up. It becomes noble.
On the other hand, you may descend from the Tower, when you leave your fortress of solitude, you warm your cold heart. The Tower in position two means opening. With its open doors, all ways leading upstairs to the top are open, and you standing on top, waiting with ardent desire for the conquerer and dishy heartbreaker.
Who is upstairs? It is Sleeping Beauty, waiting for a kiss to wake up from dreaming. Your wish is what your Heart desires.

So would this be telling me that I should be working on being more open? This is something I may be struggling with. Going back to the above, I think part of the reason our relationship may not be everything I want it to be is because I don’t always express everything I should. In the sense that if there’s something minor that I want or would prefer my partner did to make me happy, I don’t always it express it. I could definitely see how this would be interfering with the above.

The Fishes are how you dislike the wish, they are cold and wet. Freezing your Heart, making you numb. Under water you cannot breathe. In this version of the Lenormand, the Fishes also display a ship in the distance. Might bring the conquerer who comes to discover some unknown land, but he passes you by and he will not find the Tower. You'd need to be a mermaid or a sirene, singing beautiful tunes from the past to lure that poor bloke in his cold and wet grave. But he is a greedy fellow himself, only interested in finding treasures and gold.
Your Heart cannot bring the sea to a boil.
The Fishes are a cool gang, swarm intelligence is a fairly exclusive community, and a private party. The conquerer cannot enter the club. Such a fish does not dream to give away his heart, the conquerer is a mere intruder.

I’m not sure if I’m clear on this part. My impression from what you’ve described is that this is not so different from the tower… that I need to be more warm and open instead of cold and distance. This is something I think I struggle with in lots of areas of my life, I often feel like I’m hard to get to know or that I struggle to connect with people… not because I don’t want to, but because sometimes I’m not sure how to. Reading this and thinking about it, I feel like this reading might be pointing less to a specific relationship and perhaps more to the type of relationships/acceptance I would like from all people in my life. I want those solid relationships – whether it be with friends, family or a partner – but I struggle with being open and closed off with others.

The Child is the restraint, the Child plays on its own. It does not give its heart away but it is completely committed to the game. The Child in position 4 symbolises diversion - give your heart to anything but love. The Fishes invite you to play in the water, the Child invites you to play tag until you drop. Anything just to avoid the briar path of love. In this picture, love is self-love which has not the option of becoming Sleeping Beauty for this Child does not get the chance to hurt itself with the spindle. In the water, there are no thorns.
There you won't find your individuation.

This is interesting, particularly where you say “give your heart to anything but love”. I think sometimes I’m too good at being independent. I fill a lot of time with activities that I do by myself and this probably makes me close myself off worse – like you say, the Child doesn’t have the chance to hurt itself with the spindle or there are no thorns in the water. I guess I’m using the things I like to do by myself as a way of escaping the situations that, yes, might be a bit scary, but that could also put me on the path towards the types of relationships that I want. This is very interesting!

The Tree is the fulfillment of your wish; you need to individuate yourself like a tree. A tree is an individual. You may scratch your lover's name in the bark of the Tree. Within time, this heart remains in place. The Heart is the source of the Tree. The Tree sprouts from the Heart, it is growing because of the Heart's quality. A Tree may have a bad heart, but it still needs to grow from the Heart. It is the reflection of the Heart. The Tree is rooted deeply in the earth, he grew from a sapling to a strong tree that will withstand a storm and a conquerer.
In this Tree beats a good heart, it stands on its own, it is its own master.
A Heart needs to be just and fair, this justice means to keep the balance and to come into ones own. Justice means each comes its own, its fair share, authenticity.
The Tree has the courage to grow up high and expand, it excercises its right. The Tree fulfills the wish by giving the wish its right. The Heart needs to expand in order to become
magnanimity without blowing out of proportion. There does not need to be room for greed, envy, and wickedness. Your wish is to be yourself, following your heart without hurting another one. You wish to be cordially without hurting yourself. Your wish is wholesomeness.

All in one, reconciled and fraternal like a forest that consists of individual trees. Your wish is not being self-seeking, but being yourself. Your wish is a conciliation, being an individual in community. You don't want to be yourself against anybody else.
You wish to find the right balance in equal measure.

This is very true, I think. I’m sorry if my feedback is scattered – even though I read the reading before posting my feedback, I feel like it’s only really clicking now as I sit down and go through it like this. I really agree that I do want to be myself and be accepted and feel whole in that sense. I mentioned above doubts in terms of relationships and other things, and part of that is doubts and criticisms of who I am. I feel like I’m not the best me and that I can’t fully embrace or trust who I am with others. I’m always wondering if I said something wrong or did something I shouldn’t have etc.

The Tower is the highest spot, the Fishes are the deepest. The Heart reconciliates them both. Tower is Air, Fishes are Water, Heart is Fire, Tree is Earth. The elements are in harmony because of the Heart's justness.
Hope this resonates with you!

This does resonate with me and has me reflecting on the role I’m playing in creating my own feelings/state. Thank you very much for the reading. I apologize again for the delay in feedback and hope that even though it is delayed, it is still helpful to you.


I feel like I’m not the best me and that I can’t fully embrace or trust who I am with others. I’m always wondering if I said something wrong or did something I shouldn’t have etc.

hi idyll,

thank you so much for your feedback. The 'best me' you have is the one you can embrace. You don't have to wait until a 'better me' has grown. The Tree is your self, wherein the Heart is beating. This is the one you need to embrace.

The best me you have is the embracing one, not the embraced one.



Hi Zhadee
May I sit?

We have received a pm from cje in which we were asked for further clarification. There is confusion about how "windfall" declares the secret wish.

In position 5 are the Clouds, position 5 = fulfillment of the wish.
Like the Clouds are moved forth by the wind. The movement happens automatically. Windfall means godsend, means a gift from heaven.
You wish for a miracle to happen because the things you are waiting for, and the things you need, they are out of your control.

Just like the Clouds which move without your help, your wish is to be
taken by surprise and struck by a windfall without any contribution on your part. The secret wish is your willingness to receive the windfall.

You cannot find the Clover, it finds you.
The windfall comes against all odds. The condition you need to be found is serenity. Serenity puts you in the right frame of mind to expect the windfall against expectation.

Windfall in the sense of a helping hand, to make the Clouds move on. Serenity is aware of the Clouds moving on, they always do, they aren't stationary.

Your secret wish is a windfall.


Dear Zhadee

First of all, my apologies for a delayed response. I had to sit with your reading for a while to let it sink in and reflect on it. I'm really fascinated how you put two concepts together to create such a unique way to read people's wishes!

I first approached from my rational, researcher mind trying to fit your reading to my wish, but then I took a step back and looked at the grand schema of my life at present time.

And as promised, here is my feedback:

1. Your secret wish - Clover
2. I heart it - Ring
3. I dislike it - Birds
4. restraint - Fishes
5. fulfillment - Clouds

The Clover is your secret wish.
The four-leaf clover may indicate the desire for comfort, especially by related parties. The clover was also used as a symbol for love and relationship, likewise it can point to deep and comfortable love feelings.
The trifoliage symbolizes the unity of body, mind and soul that must be restored to feel again in harmony with oneself and the environment.
The Clover bestows vigour. It is a symbol for resurrection, since it was formerly planted on graves.
The first impression is - the Clover in your spread refers with redeeming a lost fortune. It may also express finding a good fortune in the prospective and succeeding future. Either resurrection or realizsation. Something should become or return.

I have several wishes I'm working on (in the love, money, work categories), two of these fit the "lost fortune" situation (love and money). The "resurrection and realization" matches both love and money situations perfectly.
Regarding "good fortune in the prospective and succeeding future", I have been told in different psychic readings that my profession/passion will bring great fortune (hopefully you all are right ;)
With regards to the body-mind-soul: I have definitely been consciously working on creating a balance and harmony within myself and my surroundings. And I have been restoring my health over the past couple of years to a more acceptable level of pain/comfort.

The Ring is how you like your wish. The Ring either says your intention becomes perfect, the ring closes, or the circle begins and your good fortune returns. The Ring contains both possibilities, it refers to both ways (either beginning or returning). Sometimes you have to start afresh to make something return. If you succeed in the new beginning, your lost fortune is repaired. A failing in the new beginning is just as bad as a lost luck. The Ring likes the Clover because of its neverending vitality, because the Clover is inspiring confidence.
It will return for sure in the next springtime, coming with a four-leaved clover hidden somewhere.

Here too, the same two of my wishes (love and money) fit right in and in both I have to find a new way/approach of doing things in order to get a solution or in your words: to have both return to me.
Will keep my eyes open for springtime :)

The Birds show how you dislike the wish. They say: You cannot rely on luck, you have to work hard. Luck results from work, not from chance. The Birds plan their future, they have a concept. They process a routine, they don't take each day as it comes.
The Birds define fortune as material well-being and financial means. Luck is security, fortune is fickle. You have to make a fortune.
For the Ring, luck is worth a fortune. The Ring also deals with wholesomeness and integrity.

I do believe in taking responsibility and work to achieve my wishes (even though sometimes I simply wish that praying and hoping for good luck will solve my problems) and for the work wish I do actually have a plan on how to get there ;)

The Fishes are the restraint. The Fishes symbolize water, fertility and life. They say put up or shut up! Easy come, easy go. Life is too short to wait for luck to come. You hang onto your luck, so you waste your opportunities. Because you rely too much on your luck, are you waiting for opportunities instead of working for your success.
You are only a ripple on the waters, you hope for a wonder and the impossible. You will fail.
Underneath the waters, there grows no Clover. The Ring gets lost, sinking to the ground. Bad luck, bad fortune. Shipwreck, trainwreck. Deadbeat.
The Fishes drown everything, they are cold, they give you clammy hands and wet feet. They are moody, lunatic, and give the strange impression of luck not coming to everybody.
Luck is unjust, it is merely an accident. But the Ring is perfect.
The Fishes are like the Birds: they plan and control. Achievement of quotas. A good time demands good timing. No time to lose.
The Ring says: I have all the time in the world. Luck is coincidence.
Because the Fishes depend on a plan, they put you under pressure.
They are hurry, they are running out of time, they impel you.

I do have a plan and focus on manifesting my dreams...most often I simply don't have the energy (chronic health reason) to accomplish all the things I need to do....then I'm freaking out because I feel like I am running out of time and don't have the energy until I feel completely overwhelmed with the situation and all the things that I must do according to my plan to manifest my wishes, that I totally lose it and exhaustedly hope for luck to take over. Then, when my energy returns I stop "hoping for a miracle" and again work towards my wishes.

The Clouds fulfill the wish. They are a blessing in disguise. First, you think the prospects are not looking good, dark time. The Clouds are passing, they move seemingly on their own. There is a heavenly power at work.
Clouds say: Godspeed! Godsend.
Your secret wish is a windfall.
Like the Clouds are moved forth by the wind. The movement happens automatically. Windfall means godsend, means a gift from heaven.
You wish for a miracle to happen because the things you are waiting for, and the things you need, they are out of your control.
Just like the Clouds which move without your help, your wish is to be taken by surprise and struck by a windfall without any contribution on your part. The secret wish is your willingness to receive the windfall.
You cannot find the Clover, it finds you. The windfall comes against all odds. The condition you need to be found is serenity. Serenity puts you in the right frame of mind to expect the windfall against expectation.

My dream is to have my wishes come true like a miracle because the fish and birds exhaust me, i.e. the planning and trying to make the "mountain move" to make my wishes come true when in fact they are all out of my control. And often all I see is the clouds and feel like it is never going to happen. You are so right on :)
Two of my friends mentioned just within the last 2 days that my wishes, especially work, is my highest purpose in life and that God will take care of it and make sure that my wish will come true ;) Coincidence that I get exactly that message from two friends, after you just pointed that out in my reading?!? Hmmm.... ;)

My aha-moment:
Now I'm looking at your reading and it dawns on me that I have to focus on the clover and the ring so that the clouds can move away, and not get bothered by the birds and fish too much as in the end it is all in God's hands and all I can do is rest in serenity!?

Thanks Zhadee, this reading is really great and fits really well with what's presently going on. It made me think about myself and above all, I learned a lot about my present situation.
Big Hug,


Dear Zhadee

First of all, my apologies for a delayed response. I had to sit with your reading for a while to let it sink in and reflect on it. I'm really fascinated how you put two concepts together to create such a unique way to read people's wishes!

I first approached from my rational, researcher mind trying to fit your reading to my wish, but then I took a step back and looked at the grand schema of my life at present time.

And as promised, here is my feedback:

I have several wishes I'm working on (in the love, money, work categories), two of these fit the "lost fortune" situation (love and money). The "resurrection and realization" matches both love and money situations perfectly.
Regarding "good fortune in the prospective and succeeding future", I have been told in different psychic readings that my profession/passion will bring great fortune (hopefully you all are right ;)
With regards to the body-mind-soul: I have definitely been consciously working on creating a balance and harmony within myself and my surroundings. And I have been restoring my health over the past couple of years to a more acceptable level of pain/comfort.

Here too, the same two of my wishes (love and money) fit right in and in both I have to find a new way/approach of doing things in order to get a solution or in your words: to have both return to me.
Will keep my eyes open for springtime :)

I do believe in taking responsibility and work to achieve my wishes (even though sometimes I simply wish that praying and hoping for good luck will solve my problems) and for the work wish I do actually have a plan on how to get there ;)

I do have a plan and focus on manifesting my dreams...most often I simply don't have the energy (chronic health reason) to accomplish all the things I need to do....then I'm freaking out because I feel like I am running out of time and don't have the energy until I feel completely overwhelmed with the situation and all the things that I must do according to my plan to manifest my wishes, that I totally lose it and exhaustedly hope for luck to take over. Then, when my energy returns I stop "hoping for a miracle" and again work towards my wishes.

My dream is to have my wishes come true like a miracle because the fish and birds exhaust me, i.e. the planning and trying to make the "mountain move" to make my wishes come true when in fact they are all out of my control. And often all I see is the clouds and feel like it is never going to happen. You are so right on :)
Two of my friends mentioned just within the last 2 days that my wishes, especially work, is my highest purpose in life and that God will take care of it and make sure that my wish will come true ;) Coincidence that I get exactly that message from two friends, after you just pointed that out in my reading?!? Hmmm.... ;)

My aha-moment:
Now I'm looking at your reading and it dawns on me that I have to focus on the clover and the ring so that the clouds can move away, and not get bothered by the birds and fish too much as in the end it is all in God's hands and all I can do is rest in serenity!?

Thanks Zhadee, this reading is really great and fits really well with what's presently going on. It made me think about myself and above all, I learned a lot about my present situation.
Big Hug,

dear cje,

we are very happy to learn you dared to take a second look.
Thank you very much for your feedback!

zhadee & the symbolic Lenormands :heart:


Still taking sitters!


Hello! Would you be willing to do a reading for me? (for feedback of course) :cool3: