Secret Wishes


Hello! Would you be willing to do a reading for me? (for feedback of course) :cool3:

Dondorf Lenormand

1. Your secret wish - Key
2. I heart it - Stork
3. I dislike it - Moon
4. restraint - Flowers
5. fulfillment - Heart

The Key is your secret wish, the Stork is how you like your secret wish.

A key is a key which allows you to open and close. You may lock up something to keep it safe from somebody. You may block access. A key may prevent a change. You may also open up, something well-known or something secret and so far unknown.
Often, we find ourselves in front of a closed door without a key. We cannot enter, or we cannot get out. We may lock ourselves in, or out. We can open ourselves, or shun away.
The prisoner does not have a key. The free man may lock himself up deliberately.

The Stork likes the Key because he may use it. The Stork uses the Key along its lines: he uses the Key to open something. To start the journey, to begin travelling, get in motion, deliberately liberating.
The lock is the use of the key.

The Moon is how you dislike your wish.

When the moon is waxing everything should be done which brings growth. When the moon is waning activities of cutting and lessen, everything that means separation and farewell.

The moon has no light of its own, and revolves around the Earth in bound rotation. This is why the moon has a dark side we never can see.
The moon is a reactive, bodily and past arresting binding force. It signifies unconscious, instinctive, child and life history's "old" attachments, and emotional ties. The Moon means
the unpredictability of the personal as well as pre-individual unconscious life in us, for the ever-renewing, tirelessly bubbling spiritual source.

The Moon dislikes the Key because the Key may be used against the tirelessly bubbling. From the Moon's position, the Key limits the flow. The Moon locks itself up against the Key, it refuses admission. The Moon does not wish to be unlocked. It does not wish to radiate its light. It does not want to show feelings and emotions.

When the Key opens the Moon, the dark side becomes visible. The Moon does not want that. The Key threatens to open that hidden side.

The Stork does not wish to show emotions, it longs to go away. The Key means freedom, and detaching from anything. To walk the extra mile, to get away from conflicts. The Moon gets along with conflict by disappearing. Both avoid the confrontation, both do not show their feelings.

The Bouquet is the restraint. The Bouquet is always an expression of emotion. These are not the true feelings, neither those from the Stork nor those from the Moon. There are no Flowers on the Moon, and the Stork does not need Flowers when he goes. The Flowers neither open the Moon, nor do they liberate the Stork. The Bouquet is against the Key. It is neither a door nor a lock.
The Bouquet is the beating about the bush, elusive and evasive. It can mean each and everything, and nothing at all. It is locked up, a decrypted message.
You don't have the key to solve the puzzle. You miss the keyword. Open sesame!
The Bouquet is a misunderstanding and a lack of understanding.

The Heart fulfills the wish. The Heart answers the wish. It opens up, it presents itself. The Moon is afraid of the openheartedness. The language of emotion. The Heart fulfills the wish by being a lock that opens.

The mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart.
After loosening the tongue nothing stays the same. The Key opens the New by closing the Old.
You need to pluck up courage in order to make use of the Key.
Time goes on
when you lose your fear. You lose your fear when you open up your heart.

The Key wants a new time to begin without forgetting about the past. It wants to conclude the process without neglecting it, and see a new day dawning. Leaving the past behind and developing along the line.
Without necessarily disowning yourself, your past, and your emotions.

Your secret wish is that becoming and remaining is the same.

Hope this resonates with you!



We have found a clue and we want to let you know about it!

The entire reading is the path to the final phrase: your secret wish is...
A swinging from pro and con and back again. Hence the last phrase is point-blank.
The outcome does not present a certain desire or image, but the wish is the desire's and image's source.

That's why the wish is secret. :)


FYI: the last sitter did not complete the exchange and missed to give feedback.

Until the end of march we still offer our reading to new sitters!


I am totally ignorant of Lenormand. Would you read me, please?



May I ask you to reveal my secret wish please?


Hello, may I sit?

I LOVE THIS THREAD- you are amazing!


Hi! Are you still open? If so may I sit?


Hello there!

Yes, we are still open and you both will get your reading during next week.


THank you, looking forward, Zhadee!!!