Star of Truth and Falsehood Example

Ocean Bliss

Here is an example of how to use the Star of Truth and Falsehood Spread here

To recap the spread looks like this.


Our statement, belief or knowledge that is being analyzed is 'Power is Dangerous' and the deck used is the Wildwood Tarot.

1. The extent to which the statement is true: 5 of Vessels

The keyword to this card (at least in this) deck is ecstasy and it shows a woman raising energy in a ritual. What this card is saying is that power can be dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. It can be easy to get caught up in the thrill and ecstasy of having power which can lead into danger due to a lack of awareness and possible corruption. Hence this statement can be true if power is put in the hands of the unwise and those who get carried away with the thrill of it.

2. Why you believe this statement: Ace of Bows rx

Ace of Bows points to the power of destruction and the power of uncontrolled fury. However why would I personally believe that power is dangerous. In a sense a completely cautious and controlled person might believe this statement because they lack faith in themselves and also in human nature. They know the havoc that power can have devastating consequences if wielded incorrectly or unwisely.

3. What vindicates this statement: 3 of Arrows rx

3 of Arrows rx points to a fear of upsetting others and not wanting to hurt anyone. Usually people who try to avoid having any sort of power might also believe that if they did have power then they would misuse it and end up causing damage. They believe this because they lack faith in themselves and they lack faith in themselves because they believe that they would only hurt others. However this card does not really have much of a vindication to it because it simply reiterates the message of the Ace of Bows rx, providing circular reasoning. Instead of vindicating this statement, 3 of Arrows rx simply states that the idea of power being dangerous- while having merit, is really an internalized message from others who also lack faith in the self and in human nature.

4. The extent to which the statement is false: The Seer/The High Priestess rx

I see this card as being chatter and noise that blocks off your own internal reasoning and prevents you from accessing your inner state of being. The idea of power being dangerous is undermined by the fact that a person is too receptive to it and has not actually stopped to think about it for a second. Likewise The Seer rx suggests that this idea is false because one has not had the time to truly trust the self of listen to one's own inner wisdom. If one believes that all power is dangerous, then one has clearly listened too much to others who believe the same thing and has not listened to themselves or even placed any faith in their own inner wisdom or knowing.

5. Why you might or should be sceptical of this statement: Queen of Stones

Queen of Stones brings in the protective energy of the bear. As a reason to be skeptical of the idea of power being dangerous is by looking at those who use their abilities to protect others and stop them being harmed. It is clear that if a person devotes their time and effort to protection and does so in conjunction with common sense and critical thinking, then power in their hands is unlikely to be dangerous.

6. What your intuition says: Knight of Stones

Knight of Stones is symbolized by the horse and so is associated with sovereignty and empathy. The Knight of Stones is also called upon as a defensive force. His job is to protect his father's kingdom. Therefore my intuition says that so long as I keep my feet firmly on the ground and always work to protect what is important to me, I have nothing to worry about.

Overall the idea that power is dangerous does have merit as in irresponsible hands it can wreak havoc. However this idea has been allowed to permeate my thoughts until my own common sense and wisdom was blocked out by it.

Hopefully this clarifies the how the spread can be used.