...If someone is "10 of wandsing" you


Hi all - when asking about 10 of wands as an action that one person does to another person, it seems to me (using a Vision deck) that it would mean that the person is 'burning you out' or overwhelming you in some way -- the person is a burden to you. Would you agree?



Yeah that would be my first thought. I've also had this card come up to represent a "long drawn-out process" ... which would essentially be a pain in the ass for the other party waiting for this person to get something over with already.


Cool, thank you! I didn't think of that second idea - it makes sense though.


Stressing you out? Keeping you busy?


Someone is a burden to you. Like an unemployed brother who comes to stay and you end up supporting him or an elderly relative you have to provide increased care of.


How about passive-aggressive behavior? Like my mom used to huff and puff and sigh about how she had to do it ALL and then decided to rearrange the livingroom on her own cause I was 5 minutes late to do the dishes. I can feel this in myself too, yes, the passive-aggressiveness is strong in me :-D
I take on extra burdens and feel sorry for myself but I am really fricking mad and hellbent on making them feel bad. What I should do is to drop that burden, wait for anyone to catch up to me and tell them that I need help.

just a different view on the card, not sure it would fit in with your reading though


I like that, Jema - been there, done that. Sure we didn't have the same mother?! I think it's a perfect aspect of this card and one that I hadn't thought of before. No-one's made him carry all those Wands himself: what's to stop him taking a few at a time. So, in that sense perhaps an inefficient use of time and energy, but being too bogged down in the moment to realise?


They could be 'off-loading' on you - dumping more and more of their 'stuff' on your shoulders and expecting you to put up with it and carry it for the both of you.


Or making you feel guilty or simply responsible about something.


Yeah, but you know you like it })