Pet Reading


Just for fun, I decided to do a reading on my lovely little cat, Brandi today.

I used the spread done by Kudzu, with Astraea Aurora's meanings from

It's very tongue-in-cheek, but turned out nicely enough that I wanted to share. I know, I'm anthropomorphising my cat, but well, I really had to to be able to do the reading, didn't I? :D Universal Waite, btw.


1. Significator. The pet.
2. The owner.
3. Other people around the pet.
4. The pet's emotions. Where his heart belongs to.
5. The pet's situation. An overall look at its present state of mind.
6. The pet's bond to its owner.
7. The pet's bond to the other people.
8. The pet's future. An overall look at its future state of mind.

Card 1: Brandi is signified by the Queen of Cups. This is nice for her. She is a dreamer (because she has the time) and spends her cat time looking inside herself in a cat-way.
Card 2: I, in my turn, am signified by The Hermit. Appropriate. Hence, I have a cat. No more needs saying.
Card 3: 3 of Wands. The other ppl around Brandi are a long way away, not really in her universe, as we live alone. She gazes on them from a distance, keeping them in her mind, but not really engaging with them.
Card 4: The Emperor. She thinks that she is in charge. Ha. She's forgetting who's the Keeper of the Food Container! But if that makes her happy, that's nice for her too.
Card 5: 4 of Swords. Now for a more serious turn. I got Brandi when her previous family had a baby, and the cat was sleeping with the baby. The mother was worried Brandi would sleep on the baby's face, so the cat had to go. There was another small child in the house, and the mother told me that he gave Brandi a pretty hard time, pulling her tail and stuff. So this 4 suggests she sees her life now as more of a retreat. Maybe she thinks it'll change?
Card 6: 5 of Wands. She likes to push her luck. Always on tables and benches, doing stuff she KNOWS she's not allowed to do. It keeps her occupied, I suppose. :) She's just testing herself.
Card 7: Wheel of Fortune. I guess this feeds back into our story together, that she trusts that her life will take her where she needs to be, even if it's out there with those other ppl in the 3 of Wands.
Card 8: Ace of Pentacles. I think she's happy, and every day is a new exercise in enjoying the lovely life of a cat for her.

:p This was nice for us. I told her all about it and I think she's just happy to hear my voice. Sweetie!

\m/ Kat

ana luisa

That was a great interpretation and a wonderful spread! Nothing wrong with making her human ! :)


well, both of your links to photobucket came up "page not found" when I tried them, thought you should know.

But It's nice to hear from someone else who does readings for their cat!
Thank you


Thankyou both for your words, and WS, the link is fixed now. Don't know why that happened . . . :bugeyed:

\m/ Kat

Queen of Disks

I did a reading for my cat once too. He was sick, and I wanted to know what to do to make him feel better. (And my dad had the car, so I had to wait for him to get home to take him to the vet.)

I drew the Page of Swords, and went "Oh @#$%!!! Surgery!"
Next card: Death Reversed. I felt that my cat wouldn't die, but he would take a long time to recover.
Last Card: the Fool. I figured that meant my cat would eventually be fine and back to his normal weird self.

That's roughly what happened. My cat had kidney stones and a blocked urinal tract, and needed surgery to remove the stones. (It seems stress from moving and another surgery finally got to him.) And it took a long time to recover, with other health setbacks along the way. But now he's back to normal (as normal as he gets-his latest game is walking along the side of the bathtub-sounds like the Fool card doesn't it?)

All Is One

The photo links worked great for me....good job, great companion!

Who do we know better and have more reason to do a reading for than our cats/ pets?

I'm going to try one for my cat when he gets old enough to center himself. He is pure kitty kaos per now.

(I think your reading worked perfectly.)