What's the postman bringing? - Part 10


Wednesday I should be getting the DruidCraft Tarot and the Gilded Reverie Lenormand in the mail...should be a lovely package!!!!!

If I weren't freezing myself, druidcraft would be next on my wish list!!!! let us know how you like it!


The postlady has been rather busy lately thanks to the lovely members here...... I've now received the International Icon, Tyldwick and Tarot der Isis - all decks that I've wanted for ages and I'm really enjoying.

From elsewhere, the Merrimack came yesterday and at some point a Hoi Polloi should be falling through the letterbox.

And now I need to stay out of the Trading forum, away from Ebay and stop caning the Paypal!

Lucky! Tyldwick looks soooo lovely! I have to stop too!!


I just hit the button the Druid Craft, says it will be here on Tuesday...hee!


I am expecting now the Pamela Coleman Commemorative Deck, Kat Black's Golden, and I pre-ordered the Ceccoli deck and the Beautiful Creatures deck :)


I'm waiting on the Whimsical Tarot and the Inner Child cards, these should be my last two for a while (I know I've said that before)


The postman brought me: Renaissance, Ghosts and the Nicoletta Ceccoli tarots. Too much at once, so far I have only spent time with the Nicoletta Ceccoli which is very unusual.


just got the new orleans voodoo and the tarot of the animal lords.


I'm so sad. I had ordered The Victorian Romantic tarot off the etsy site middle of August but I won't be getting it. *cries*

I will be getting my Hawaiian Tarot Wednesday so that's something good. And I have a preorder and kickstarter but those will still be a bit.


Robin Wood Tarot just arrived. I had been feeling foolish about ordering another deck, when I'm still digesting some of the ones I already have, and then I started going through the deck. Wow! Love at first sight! So evocative. When I asked what my relationship with it was going to be like, it told me:

7 of Cups, Page of Pentacles, and Strength. I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. So excited, I'm gushing like a teenager. This tarot stuff is so great,


Postman brought me a belated birthday gift ^_^

My sister ordered me a surprise gift for a belated birthday gift, I sent her my Amazon wishlist to pick something so she could feel like it was a proper gift, but the wait ended up driving me crazy >_<

But enough about that...

Her gift was *drum-roll*

The Tarot Illuminati set!

I love it so much, the gilding, the box/book combo, the sumptuous details on each card, just everything! I haven't read with it yet, but I can't wait to dive into learning all about it. Anyone who has been unsure about buying the deck, but has felt drawn to it, consider yourself enabled. It is perfect!

I was so nervous about her picking something out for me, but her gift has exceeded all of my expectations, and I am thrilled with her choice of a deck. *happy dances*