78 Weeks: Two Batons


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The wands for me bring to mind the following: fire, masculine, passion, spirituality, self, the spark of imagination, ideas, Spring, East.

This is taken from Gail Fairfields book, Everyday Tarot:

Wands are about growth and awareness of self. Creativity and expression.

I find this a very good way of describing wands.

The twos are what give direction to the 'one'. When you have that seed of 'one', where do you go with it?? the twos take it in a direction. It is like the water we give a seed that has been planted. Sometimes 2 is about choice, or balance and sometimes it is about staibleizing. It really depends on the suit it is associating with.

2 of Wands comes down to taking that spark of inspiration and getting ready to do something with it. Because Wands are fire, I see it as being about ready to burst with a need to create. Being at that point where you are just about to cross the line.


Two of Wands

Universal Waite

A man standing, holding a globe in his hand, looking out over a wall of castle or building towards the sea / horizon. He holds one wand in his left hand and one wand is attached to the wall.

Well to start with, until I had started the study of this card this week I had not noticed that the wand to the man's right was attached / bolted to the wall! This has given me more to think about with this card, along the lines of the wand bolted to the wall could symbolise stability or established base. Then with the other wand in his left hand (the creative side) and the globe in his right hand definitely makes me think that he is deciding or weighing up should he stay where he is established or should he go out into the world - looking for new horizons.

Also by him holding the globe in his hand indicates that he could be keen for travel of some sort and is trying to decide where to go. He seems to have the boldness and drive to go off and try something new but is the small wall in front of him indicating an obstacle that he has to step up to? He also looks like he is dressed for travel with his boots, hat and cloak and the wand as his walking stick. I see this card representing decision, choice, being bold and daring to take a risk to leave the known and stable to venture out into the world and experience new horizons. He however seems to be still in the thinking and planning stage and has not yet taken the step out of his established domain but the drive and desire is there to seize the opportunity for adventure. The more I look at the card the more it reminds me of an explorer or some kind - Christopher Columbus maybe - the world is round and I just need to prove it! :D


The Two of Wands in the Thoth is called "Dominion". In the image of this card there are what looks like tongues of flame / fire emanating from the centre of the two crossed wands, like there is energy and power and the wands have control over this energy source. However as the wands are crossed over in two different directions - one pointing one way and one another - it makes me think that they have to decide which way to go. Sort of a power struggle to decide which way to go to direct the energy in one direction before progress can be made. "Dominion" can mean sovereignty, control or supremacy. Gaining control over the energy to direct it in a positive way.


Major Tom

Having learned the tarot using the RWS tarot, I've come to associate the Two of Wands (Batons) with the ideas of expansion and extending of influence within the world. Having now spent a week with the Two of Batons from 5 different versions of the Tarot of Marseilles, I find I haven't really changed too far from my original association.

Here, we find one become two and the energy lines become growing plants. Perhaps where the Ace was about the initial impetus, the Two is the beginning of action, the bringing of the initial impulse into the world.

I attach my version of the card I've drawn this week.


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Radiant Rider-Waite

Two of Wands


A tall man looks from a battlemented roof over sea and shore. He holds a glove in his right hand and a staff in his left rests on the battlement, another is fixed in a ring. The rose and cross and lily should also be noticed on the left side
Divinatory Meaning
Between the alternative readings there is no marriage possible, on the one hand, riches, fortune and magnificence. And on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness and mortification. The design gives one suggestion - here is a lord overlooking his dominion and alternately contemplating a globe. It looks like the malady, the mortification, the sadness of Alexander amidst the grandeur of this world's wealth.

My Impressions
In this card is the sense that you have started something new, then certain things that need to be left behind. The man holding the world in his hand indicates that a certain stage or phase of life has ended, which may also indicate that some sort of voyage i s needed either that of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Since the man is looking at the past, or at least the direction of the past, then it can be seen a sense that perhaps these things that need to be left behind are not really wanted to be left behind in the sense of reluctance. By the fact that he is holding one of the wands, which indicates in this sense something new whcih has been acted on that can be seen that is what is supporting him in the process. Since he is holding on to the wand and the world makes me think tha the has come to an impasse, in the sense that even though he wants to on with his new stage or phase of life, or whatever it is, he is still held where he is because of the things that he doesn't want to let go off. It seems like he wants his cake and eat it at the same time.

To me this card, as already indicated above, that it can be seen as a form of stagnation. It can also be seen that he may be at a crossroads. Crossroads are never at an easy thing to go through, it is like where you need to make a decision, and at some time not really knowing which one is the best thing. Do you stick with what you have been doing? You may not be happy there but at least you know you are safe, you are in your comfort zone. Or do you give up what you already have? As in your friends, career and all the things that are familiar to you, to pursue something new knowing that you have no idea where it is going to lead you. In some sense, it could be seen t hat you are at a point in your life where you may feel that you have a lot to lose, or alternatively nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. With the other wand being in a ring, then it can be seen that is the next thing to do with this new venture, creative project or whatever it is, but it's not going to happen until you have decided to let go of what you have hand in the past, where you can embrace the future and this next stage or phase in your life.


Golden Tarot of Klimt

2 of Wands


Equilibrium, hope, healing and projects

My Impressions
Here you have a woman standing, with her arms protecting her chest, she has her hads clasped together touching her right cheek she has her head down and her eyes closed. This sort of makes me thing of someone who has feelings of ove, or something like that, towards a certain thing. But at the same time as she has her eyes closed or at least in a state of sleep makes me think that perhaps she is not seeing the full situation, as in wearing rose - coloured glasses.

The background of the card is red, which indicates passion and action, it may even indicate anger. Then if that is the case it can be seen that perhaps, a seen that perhaps, as wands is usually associated with doing things without thinking to much of the consequences, then what has happened may have been something that has been done out of impulsiveness, recklessness and spontaniety. Then, since she appears to be in a state where she can be sleeping, the phrase "you've mad eyour bed, now you have to lie in it" could apply. As mentioned for the Radiant Rider-Waite, where Two of Wands could indicate crossroads then the figure seen as resting could be seen whcih is needed during that time. As she has her hade down indicates that this is a time which is needed for contemplation and to think about what to do from here.

In this card, her arms protecting her heart, could also indicate a time which is needed to keep your emotions to yourself, and perhaps it may indicate that you need to keep your emotions in check. Since this is a wand card, which indicates the adventuresome, impulsiveness, recklessness and spontaniety, then it can be seen that this card may indicate that it is important to perhaps think about things before saying or doing something because if you do or say something that is fuelled by emotions, such as anger, then the outcome will have bad consequences, and may impact things in such a way that would be detrimental to you, at least in the immediate future.

As the wands suit in the Golden Tarot of Klimt Little White Book suggests learning and experiences therefore ingenuity and intellectual application, this card could indicate that what you are doing, in what you are learning, has come to the point where you are deriving much pleasure from it, and you have a lot of passion about it. At the same time, this card is indicating that is still not time to share this yet, as you still have a lot of learning to do.


Two of Wands - Revelations Tarot
First impressions

Another burning hot card !

From the book

He channels the energy between the two wands to bring forth a creation based on synthesis.
The Two of Wands signifies a point where creative energies are brought together to flourish and produce. This card foretells prosperity in partnerships and production. The partnering of talents will generate not only a stimulating environment, but also help challenge the partners to achieve higher goals.
In a situation, this card heralds a prosperous partnership, venture, or merger of any sort. It also shines positively on the purchase of new investments and properties, along with other matters dealing with money.

He blocks his own energy, holding back all the potential he possesses.
The reverse of this card implies that the energies are blocked by oneself. There may be external issues affecting the chance or possibility for a fruitful partnership. This card also advises looking within to find what may be the cause of this to allow oneself to move on.
The reversed meaning does not look favorably upon situations involving partnerships or joint ventures. Prosperity is delayed by blockages and unwillingness to cooperate. External forces, such as lack of funds, restricting regulations, or a lack of support, may cause the chances for prosperity to be difficult or slim.

Images and Symbolism
The wizard in this card conjures an ethereal dragon above him. The dragon is the embodiment of fire and wisdom. The glowing sphere above him is the focus of energy he generates to give birth to the dragon and much more.
The elements swirl around this sphere, illustrating his command over them. This dramatic display shows his creative abilities in controlling and combining the raw energies around him.
On the reverse, the wizard holds the wands down to block their energy from escaping.
The ethereal dragon above him fades slowly as the elements around him disperse. The wizard's energies are low or blocked, causing the slow dissipation of his creation.
His hair flows wildly in the winds, indicating the loss of control he has over the elements.
Color: glowing scarlet and reds, associated with Aries.

Traditional meanings
Strength of will bringing ideas to pass. Firm rulership resulting in peace and justice. Earned success. Wisdom through experience.

Reversed: Ambition brooking no obstacles. Ruthless seeking for power. Pride without humility. The achieving of a goal which turns out worthless or empty. Wealth by improper means. Loss of faith in oneself.

My impressions:
A man in flowing fiery robes holds two burning wands. Behind, a brilliant glowing sun in a whirling energetic sky. (I have to say the dragons mentioned in the book did not immediately strike me !)

A man with wild hair claps the two ends of the wands tightly at his throat. His robes are the reversed ones worn by the upright image. The sky behind is lurid and fractured. The whole impression is one of chaos and loss of control, of desperation.

My take
This card actually rather frightens me . I am not one much interested in material success of any kind, so although the reverse image is alarming in the sense of chaos it engenders, the upright is altogether too much for me….

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.


78 weeks 2 of wands Druidcraft

Physical Description:
An out line of a man holding 2 staves is cut into the face of a hill. The hill is facing a Forrest with an archway formed by 2 trees. the grass is a different shade of green as it approaches the Forrest.

Major Symbols:
The Longman of Wilmington: One of the many “reasons” giving to him is a Boarder marker.
His 2 staves: Alludes to the 2’s counter part High Priestess. Also a door way
Archway in the Forrest formed by 2 trees yet another door way

Element: Fire , Energy passion, creativity, will power

Number: 2’s can be choices . Aces are undirected energy; the twos are, in a sense, the knowledge of what the direction for that energy should take.

Sphere on the Tree of Life
Sphere 2 Energy (Chokhmah). Energy is crackling within us,
searching for a direction through which it can be dissipated.

Mars in Aries. The tremendous energy of Mars is in its
Initiatory stage in Aries.

Days: March 21st – March 30th (this is from the Golden Dawn)
Golden Dawn name “Lord of Dominion”

Bringing it all Together:
. With the 2 staves the number 2 and the archway I am thinking this is all about choices decisions. The Counterpart with the High Priestess tell me this decision might best be solved with a gut feeling or intent. Mars, Aries , Chockmah , and the element of fire in general tell me there is a lot of energy in the well waiting to create some thing in the 3’s .
The Lord of Dominion wants control and Mars can have serious issues if this is not released.

Possible Definitions
Good Power held in reserve while evaluating options,
Bad: Fire especially all the fire in this card does not like to be held long makes a choice and don’t procrastinate.
Indifferent: If a decision is to be made and you have to choose between the logical answer of the “gut instinct” go with the gut.


The crossed staves is an emblem of delegated power.


Two of Wands - Week starting 24th January 2011

Two of Wands - Hoi Polloi Tarot
A man wearing a hat and a red cloak stands on what looks like a castle's battlements looking out over a lake and mountainous landscape. In his right hand he holds a globe and in his left he holds an upright, leafy staff or wand which rests on the top of the battlements, another wand or staff is to the man's right (so he is standing between them) and it's attached to the castle wall by a metal clasp. On the battlement below the left-hand wand is a stone carving of what looks like roses and lilies.

There is such a lot going on in this card, it seems to be absolutely jam-packed full of symbolism.
One of the first things I notice is that the wands form a sort of a doorway or gateway and these also remind me of the pillars that the High Priestess sits between.
The roses and lilies represent the spiritual and the material realms - opposites that come together. They seem to be one of the themes running through the Waite deck and those based on it, the black and white pillars being another.

The 2s in tarot are related to the High Priestess. They are the pause after the initial burst of energy offered by the Ace. They are the time when we reflect and consider what to do with that energy so they represent choices and decisions. They are the quiet time to look within and also to look forward to the future.
The 2s are also about things coming together so again choices and decisions are hinted at.. What to do when those 2 things come together, where to go next, what to make of the 2 things?

The man on this card seems to be looking wistfully at the horizon. He holds the world in his hands and the wall he stands behind is a low one and so would be easy to step over (assuming that it's not too high up). I get the feeling that the man isn't all that happy with his lot as it is and is wondering what lies beyond the walls of his castle. The wands form a gateway that he could step through - a gateway to his future.
When I see this card the Clash song 'Should I stay or should I go?' comes to mind. The wand attached to the wall represents his achievements; they're done, immovable and cannot be taken away from him no matter what his decision.
This card then is about choices, it's about feeling as if you've achieved something but you have the knowledge that you could achieve so much more if you'd just take the chance and step through the gateway or over the low wall. The globe reminds you that you can do whatever you put your mind to - the World is your oyster, you hold it and all the possibilities and potential it has in your hand. Dare you go for it?

I've attached an image of another version of this card from The Fey Tarot by Lo Scarabeo as I think it perfectly describes how this card makes me feel... The need to pluck up the courage and leap from the nest... A big step but one that everyone has to make at some stage in their life.


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Judith D

Two of Wands - Tarot of the 78 Doors

The full card is occupied by a big closed door, so edged and carved that it almost looks framed. There are gilded decorations and a decorative handle and lock. A girl is pushing her way through the door, her body appearing like magic as if the door has no real substance - so far her head and half her torso, her right forearm and her left leg are through - her left toe reaches to the floor, ready to help her move forward. She gazes about with amazement and curiosity.

LWB description: "Intellectual curiosity that leads to the discovery of other realities. Mastery of one's own thoughts".
For this card the LWB description is really spot on - the curiosity is plain and she is certain seeing another reality if she can pass like a ghost through the closed door.

I always find the 'traditional' 2 of wands such an unsatisfying card. For me the twos represent the coming together of ideas to enable the achievement of the three, giving choices and decisions, but I think it should be hopeful, but the card so often feels listless and sad.
This card is much more alive - the power of mind shown so clearly in the ace enables the imagination to soar to such an extent that she can pass right through a solid object and look for her opportunities on the other side. It is a new vista, full of potential and possibility. The fact that the door remains closed has not stopped her at all.
It makes me think of potential, of the power of ones imagination, of not letting oneself be put off by simple barriers, of pushing one's boundaries, taking a big chance, believing in oneself, dare to dream ...... just have faith.