78 Weeks: Two Batons



Card name: Two of Wands

First impressions

A pair of most peculiar crossed wands…. With jester’s heads on and very sharp points. Above a male symbol – Mars – and below Aries. Behind then six flames emanating from the crossing point.
From the Book of Thoth

This card, pertaining to Chokmah in the suit of Fire, represents the Will in its most exalted form. It is an ideal Will, independent of any given object.

“For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.” AL. 1. 44.

The background of this card shows the power of the planet Mars in his own sign Aries, the first of the Signs. It there represents Energy initiating a Current of Force.

The pictorial representation is two Dorjes crossed. The Dorje is the Tibetan symbol of the thunderbolt, the emblem of celestial Power, but more in its destructive than its creative form.

More, that is, in its earlier rather than its later form. For destruction may be regarded as the first step in the creative process. The virgin ovum must be broken in order to fertilize it. Fear and repulsion are therefore the primary reaction to the assault. Then, with understanding of the complete plan, willing surrender rejoices to co-operate.

Six flames issue from the centre. This indicates the influence of the Sun, who is exalted in Aries. This is the creative Will.

Mars in Aries is the attribution of the Geomantic Figure Puer. The meaning of these figures is to be studied in the Handbook of that science: “The Equinox” Vol. I, No.2. Remember that the Geomantic Intelligences (see Liber 777 Cols. XLIX and CLXXVIII) are all primarily Gnomes.
Images and Symbolism
Frieda Harris says in her essays:
Dominion. Chokmah in the suit of Fire. Mars in Aries.
Here are two dorjes crossed. The dorje is the Tibetan symbol of destruction. But destruction may be regarded as the first step in the creative process.
Dominion. Mars in Aries. Chokmah. Two dorjes crossed, meaning destruction as a beginning of creation.
There are six flames here – the Sun’s energy (Tipareth) in combo with Mars. It represents “the destruction of freedom in order to direct or control energy or force”; not a happy thought, to my mind… The dorjes – the directed force of the gods - as lightning bolts show the destructiveness there is in good as well as in evil. They have demon masks, suggesting fear. There are snakes at their tips – poison which can kill or heal. Like the Ace, these are very phallic wands.

Banzhaf says that the two is “equivalent to the first formation of the fire from the still unformulated original source of ideas.” So it is a very spontaneous, unrestrained card, and suggests a degree of disorganisation and impulsiveness. Acting without thinking of consequences and the mess that may ensue.

Traditional meanings –
Cribbed shamelessly from Wasserman

Dominion. Fire in its highest form, energy initiating a current of force, harmony of rule and justice, influence over another, boldness, courage, fierceness. May be restless, turbulent obstinate, if ill-dignified.

From Thirteen’s meanings:
Usually a person choosing one wand over another. Wands are passion, and passion is not something that works when split. It requires a single focus. This card indicates a choice to be made, but the instincts are right, and the choice made, where to put your energy and passion, will be a right one.

My impressions (appearance of the card):
It looks for all the world like two balloons… semi transparent and almost exploding…. Two angry jester heads, flames and snakes. They really don’t look like demons. And they have horses on their hats ! I actually find this image a little hard to take seriously, the more I look at it… :D

My take (what I make of it/what I might see in a reading where I drew it)
Power – possibly coercion. Something to watch out for… Going at something hammer and tongs without any planning or thought. Rushing into things – very risky. I can’t actually agree with Thirteen here ! I would even wonder about violence.