What am I doing wrong?


Hi all

I'm a learner at tarot and lately my daily cards have been having no relevance to the day.

Last month I use to do a 4 card spread, card 1 being theme then the following 3 would be morning, afternoon and night. I thought I'd do 2 this month, 1 being theme and 2 is advice. The last week and half have been totally wrong even though I'm not doing anything else different.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)


try different deck... it will talk differently to you... i would keep pursuing daily draws no matter what..


Maybe just draw a single card. You could leave it open whether it is "theme" or "advice" or "warning" and let the events of the day show you what the card meant. I've found that letting the card speak for itself works better than trying to be define exactly what you want each card to tell you.

Also, sometimes people learning tarot take the idea of the separate suits being about different areas of life very literally. It is a starting point not a rigid boundary. The Four of Pentacles isn't necessarily about holding tightly to your actual money, it could refer to your time, your ideas etc. etc.

Other people will have different experiences with it though.


Are you doing your daily draws at the beginning of the day looking forward or at the end of the day looking back? If you do them at the beginning of the day, do you go back to them in the evening and revisit the cards themselves?

One example I like to use as to why I do daily draws at the end of the day (when I'm studying a deck) is that I got the 3 Swords from the Ancient Egyptian Tarot one day when I was studying it. Had I gotten the card in the morning, I would've been looking for heartache and sorrow all day. As it was I had to wrack my brain at the end of the day to see how that card was relevant until I looked closely at the picture. The man had turned his back on the sobbing woman, much like I'd turned my back on a co-worker with whom I was having a disagreement cause I just wasn't going to engage with him any more.

So what you think a card may mean at the beginning of the day could be completely different from how it plays out in your day. Don't just go by whoever's meaning of the card - look at the imagery and see if anything in the imagery resonates with your day.


ETA: And welcome to Aeclectic!


hi bittersweetlife,
I started in January taking one card each day. at the beginning it seemed to never be accurate but I think it is getting more accurate. Also I am trying to go from just reading book meanings to using my intuition more currently. For each card now I try to feel what it's saying about the day and also make sure I know a few keywords for its themes off by heart :) I also look back at the previous days card and underline anything that came true.

Looking at the patterns, its not always obvious. It's sometimes quite a subtle take on what happened that day but normally there is some representation of it. I would say keep going and keeping a journal :) I will give you an example of today, I pulled 7 Pentacles and wasn't sure how it fitted in my day at all. However today I had to deal with people who were difficult and hard work, but it paid off being patient and not letting them get to me. I only realise this at the end of the day now ;)

anyway keep doing it everyday and writing it down! I hope it gets more accurate for you


Sometimes when you're learning to read cards, you're unconsciously expecting something very profoundly life-altering, when they could simply be telling you to remember to put gas in your car. In reality, life's simply not like that.


Or you could get the 10 Swords on a day when you have a chiropractor's appointment. (That happened to someone here at Aeclectic.)


IMHO - I think you are 'overdosing.' You don't need Tarot to tell you what is going to happen every hour of every day. Life has to happen, or as John Lennon said 'Life is what happens while you are making other plans.'

I think a one-card pull 'theme' for your day is enough information to deal with and process. If you are a beginner in Tarot, you are being blind-sided by TMI.


I will give you an example of today, I pulled 7 Pentacles and wasn't sure how it fitted in my day at all. However today I had to deal with people who were difficult and hard work, but it paid off being patient and not letting them get to me. I only realise this at the end of the day now ;)

See? I just read this & it's reiterating what I referred to. There could be millions of mundane things that happen throughout your day & keeping a record of some sort will help you bond with your cards & their various pathways. There's no end to the road, however.


First off, change your user name or atleast think about the reason why you chose it... you will draw that sort of energy to you and then wonder why things are always not quite the way you thought they ought to be and life will be more bitter than sweet. That could also be part of the reason why the cards don't seem to play out the way you thought they would ... the opportunities present themselves, but it's all in how you perceive them and act on your perceptions.

Back to your question, you are new at tarot and with experience you will start to see the various nuances in how the cards play out in your days. Sometimes they mean just what they say, sometimes they can be very literal, you can see reality mirrored by the card itself. The best thing I have learned is to keep an open mind and not try to limit tarot to the meanings in the LWB. Those are more like a guideline than a hard, fast rule.