Thoth OOP???


None of the major online retailers have it... Has it gone OOP for a bit?


That's interesting.


I just did a search for 'thoth' on US Games' site and the only deck that comes up is the Spanish Crowley Thoth, Small.

Please tell me they are just on hiatus to build interest or something . . .
Thank *whomever* I got a deck already! And watch out for the high-price scalpers.


Yea, and a friend just bought one to cut the borders off of...I think she might want to wait. . .


How could the Thoth ever go OOP? It's such a classic. It's like the RWS going OOP...Makes no sense to me.

Oooh, I just checked on, where I buy all my stuff. They no longer have it in stock either, only through second hand sellers and they don't seem to have any plans to get it in...Thankfully I already have my copy of it.



I couldn't imagine it go out of print completely. I saw it on clearance a lot in the last year- possible they are going to try to get them all off the market then come out with some new version? There have been a few different versions over the years.

If it does go OOP I'd kick myself for giving my copy away over the holidays. I am not ready for it yet, but someday...


I just picked up a large clpy from the local bookstore just because you never know if that large size will be re-issued.


It's in my local Waterstone's (well, it was last Tuesday....)

Somerville has them. So do tarotchest. And amazon UK. And bookdepository....

But I must confess tarotgarden seem to be out....


The Thoth has been harder and harder to get ahold of in the past few months. I bought my large one from TG and my regular from Tarot Totes. I can't find a pocket one, anywhere in the US. I was wondering if they were going to rebox it in one of those Premier Editions, but then when I got the Paulina my thoughts changed. It has a thicker and deeper box, but not in a Premier edition, so what is up with that? Very curious!


For you that are looking......there's quite a few listed on ebay as well.